Record two Sectionmi every hour

February and the first week of March, once more, the tellerick breath Tera. The history of the central beauty and the sanctuary of the earthquake is associated with the history of the central and small villages of the earth. The land trembled to climb the Caibrian to the South and the mountains, and raised ancient fear. They are beyond 1,650 CImi Since it North South They rocked VillageThe upper earthquake incident on the top of the table is on 4.8 on the Magnitud Costa Garganagaka.

The Kalarubriya became active

The latest incident is recorded in the latest program KalaiprabriaWhere is the province Catansaro It was a dense earthquake set of the sea, yesterday’s 134 shocks. A sequence affected by the area between Marceline, Migride, TurioBetween 5 and 13km deep. The most intensity of the earthquake is clearly warned to reach several centers in the region yesterday Catansaro, Lamsia Term, Valentent. No wonder, one can say that one can say, for an area marked in its earthquake history. For centuries, in fact, familiar to the strangers of Earth in the Catanso area: 27 March (Origin 7.1) Mercally scale. The events subsequent incidents are not less serious: from the earthquake of 1783 (intensity 7.0) Marcellina These TroubleOn March 8, 1832, on March 8 (intensity 6 6.7), it is very deeply deep miglirin. In recent years, the land fell in the 1980s that was confirmed by the chronic earthquake of the fully added area in Italy. These have been added to croton’s earthquake sequence.

Naples Earthquake, a child writes in the diary: “4.4 shock” is grateful not to die

Record Puglyise

Yet Kalaiprabria The only thing to pay attention to earthquake Lastysts and the civil prescription. Opposite side, long AdritiIl Gargao He lived in the March of February and the March of the Tenoric movements. In the peninsula, the mountainous land Peglia North and month the month is open to 4.8 – The most powerful of the national soil – the most powerful of the national soil – and most adrity shores were clear.

The confirmed signs were stored in the entire area that linked to active mistakes that are connected with active mistakes that are uncovered with the shores and the coast.

Public pic

These episodes are part of the overall rise in the earthquake activities. In the month of February National Earthquake Network 1,504 events, over 53 earthquakes per day, in January 38 in January. Of these, 220 and 44 reached the equivalent of 3.0 and 44, the equivalent of 3.0 and the equivalent of 3.0.

Don’t forget 2024 closeed 16,826 Earthquakes: 16 A data as the average of a thousand 17 thousand events per year Rupeen 2019. Even though the numbers of vibrations, although the population has often warned the population.


But it is not just the amount of money that makes you think. The distribution of national territories is an area and is actually immune. Only Tirrenian sea Southern He confirmed the Act with important incidents between the islands of February 7. Ikji makes a continuous observation from the work rooms of Rome, Naples and Catania, and provides essential data to reform knowledge of the earthquake phenomena. In the sequence of Catansaro and Gargao, add up to those who still active with central apnines Polino, CampaniaIn Tuskan-Romagna Apnnins Wal de Osta and LucaniaTaping Italy once again and to understand nature, understanding and to mitigate its results. In the balance between the memory and the future, its secular history with the earth shocking and intermittent tremors.

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