The eighth year of the Leonardo of Fimisinino was the best airport in Europe: “The results of the airport service quality (asq)
L ‘Leonardo Da Vinci Airport of Fuomisin And Best airport in Europe For a continuous eighth year in the hub section with more than 40 million passengers per hour. Geovo Batista “Airport in Simpino, awarded “The best airport in Europe is” From 2 to 5 million passengers. These are the results of the survey “Airport Service standard” (asq)The world of international category of international category of airports around the world, is associated with the airport international (AC). In particular, 700 passengers interviewed 360 airports around the world.
Defeated a record score fumes that was never before and not recorded. The airport is Leonardo Da Vinci and the airport.
The best airport “in addition to the award, Rome Fiumsin or received the following gifts in Europe, airport in submission officials; The easiest airport trip in Europe; The most enjoyable airport in Europe; The best airport in Europe.
Beach in the fumes or treatment, but the approvals for cruise port is still not
The airports to the quality, and services provided to travelers, the FUCCIN or Siamino responding to all our colleagues, passionate and commitment to the airports of our people.
“The traffic predictions for this year, next is already ready to integrate the categories of the Fumesino airport, and the expectations of the Fumesino airport, the global reference tourism and development is entitled to the flow of high potential.
To celebrate the gift, “Adrix”, “ADRIX”, “ADRA”, “ADRIX”, “