Sink it 2 minutes A water containers a 35 degreesThen move it to a container with water a 95 degrees For others 2 minutesAnd repeat this alternative 8 volt: This is innovative Occasionally cookingProcess The perfect recipes of hard -vessel eggs Comes from Material science. This is described in a study headed by Emilia de Lorenzo of the University of Federico II Naples Released Sulla Rivista Communication Engineering.

Indicates how technique is Cooked Excellent Yolk and egg white I keep up with Contain nutritional content And The best features for the palate. Used Math samples . DosageThe technique was Test A Calculated liquid dynamics software Also, according to the researchers, it may be Apps In a study of processes Polymerization E. Crystallization Some Materials.

“Not permanent, but this time, we have defined Occasionally cookingThe best designed to cook today, Preservation The Nutritional properties And argonolepick Both Yolk That is the dell‘AlbumAt the same time, “Bellagrino Musto, one of the managers of the study, said the National Research Council’s polymers, compounds and the Institute of Bio -Materials, Ansa.

By their nature Egg They are a food Tough cooking Why Yolk and egg white Have them Very different characteristics: The first cooks at a temperature of 65 degrees, from the second to 85. Methods with beneficial disadvantages, but they only lead to increase cooking or only the yolk or album.

“Solve the problem – Musto said – we decided Use methodsWe are creating for that Dosage E. Sample Mathematically Contemporary cooking of two different ingredients“. Thus born The correct recipeA pattern is practiced by a time that allows yellow and egg white to cook The same consistency At the same time Protect The NutrientsWithout discredit them.
The technique that can now be used Other parts And in an industrial level, help the development of new methods of food treatment.

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