Last November 24, the Egyptian boy Rami walked in Elgam, At the end of a chase, eight kilometers lasted eight kilometers in the streets of Milan. Today, Engineer Domenico Romaneel signed the Capital of Lombard Capitel’s prosecutor to the kinumenic advice.
The verdict is clear. Carabinii’s behavior is correct, and spoons were excluded. The word can include a judgment that can include sterile controversy for the word months and insult the job of the police. From learning, expertise a basic point. That is, the army celebrated by Juliet “Being in accordance with the provisions of procedures”. But not only. The carabinar was imprisoned in time, the car and the collision between the car and the collision was not happened, but before it was done. In short, only the responsibilities of the accident Faris Bou CD, Driving T-Max in that pretang.
In other countries the police pursue “Chase” criminals “
The question is, no doubt in the consultants: “In contrast to the same part of Carabiniari, he started unusual and attempted pursuit, innocent and dangerous guide “. Rahanelion has been resolved that “in the” regular road accident “is not causing the story to cause the story. On the contrary, there is a “public security operation” and the scooter driver has proved to be deadly to the life of Rami. How to remove the same polar
It intervened in this regard Ricardo de Corello. Frandali D Italia is expected to end the controversies of the controversy of the present skills. The local police adds “the odd” who blamed the police before. The germs of the Milan Prosecutor’s office should be silent and attacked the servants of the state in recent months. Sometimes, for a trivial political profit. With the only result of creating compaters of the street riots. As the whole place is throughout the entire neighborhood as in Covrol. Between the fire buses, tearful poles and essential Palestinian flags. Except for a pocket of metropolis as mayyer is argued. Mirsz suburbs are the Bandi of Paris. The Rami’s family is self-rushed in multiple cases.