Ramadan, Saying Serve – The Serve

By the dispute; The ninth day of the Pushed Saintly Chehran fits until Monday 23 March on March 23:

The religious time of Tehran:

The Asan morning morning sunrise in the middle of the night.
04:58:58 18 18 18: 32:35 18: 32 18:34 18: 32 18

Serve of the day

In the name of God, the Most Merciful

اللهم اجعل لي فيه نصيبا نصيبا نصيبا

God, benefit from your widespread mercy this month and get your widespread arguments and ways of your widespread arguments and wish you a desire.

What day of Ramadan need for a believer?

13 be subject to mercy and inheritance

Find a way to 1 clear arguments;

2 Listen to the full satisfaction of the Prophet (pbuh);

“Almighty Allah”

God’s community is grant of forgiveness and good to eliminate the poor.

Divya has many characteristics:

10 Mandatory in the highness of the rise of mercy

2 His mercy is infectious

1 3 control, no lasting, vast

Divine Power Overcomed his wrath

10 It is easy to show mercy

The one word of the Qur’an makes me happy, and make me rejoice over me, and my soul is drowning by sin:

The Supreme Leader and the Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Fajajali Al-Saarah, in general al-Jaa; Especially, God has said that anyone I want to have my punishment and there is all my mercy. So God gave His mercy, His Damage on Special occasions.

Says Sadet (Like) Says: In the resurrection, even though the mirror of the image is not included by the resurrection, the widespread right.

“Whadani Fiph Las Kingdi Al-Hedata”

The great desire of faith is guidance. The suspect is prompted a suspect guidance.

In Surah Almadha, verb, verb, he is the belief of the believer … the faith of the believers and the biblical and believers will not doubt.

Storms and waves of the events today are in God’s hands.

On the Surat al-Lale, verily, Ann Al-Alina al-Safai, we are undoubtedly guided.

In verse 1, he said: Sannariyiii and Al-Raemimi Al-Kakhakan soon on the world. His lap is right.

“He is a blessing of the Prophet (pbuh)

All living things are the irony of God’s power and dominion of God’s power.

In the Surat Al-Verse 1, he said: “We are in the end of the end …

All living creatures are always in God’s hands always in all times and places. The princism of faith and disbelief, unbelief, debust, light, lady, depreciation and quantity is all in the hands of their existence.

The joy of God is entrusted to the satisfaction of any other creation and satisfaction.

In Surah Al-Tawahaba, Verse 2 said:

People of faith tries to please God.

In Surat al-Manan, verily, Verse 2 said: The vegetation and Allah have followed God’s favor (there is great grace.

When will God please his servant?

And God said unto Moses: So the prophet shall be the prophet upon him, and the Prophet), and I will turn away from my sin.

“I love you and the hope of those who lose.”

! If your life is obedient to God and avoid sin, he is the desire of the diligent.

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