Quatitlin Iskalli’s Citizens Citizens Protection Public Police Station has carried out a guarantee of stolen goods belonging to DHL, after the geographical system of one of the stolen trailer’s boxes, refers to a wine plant in the Xhala industrial park.
Integrated with the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, the security elements went to the place, where they found various products associated with other previous robberies. The intervention began when the C4 Emergency Control Center received a support request for the GPS location of the parcel company. A citizens went to the Safety Division site and made contact with the company’s security supervisor to check the information.
Upon arriving at the wine plant, municipal agents opened the doors and announced that the goods were stolen inside. As a security measure, the property was protected with the support of the State Police of the General Directorate, which opposes vehicle and traffic. Subsequently, the police station provided the necessary components to the state prosecutor to request and obtain a search warrant.
During diligence, the participation and investigation of an address of an address of the State Lawyer Office, 455 DHL Express Mexico SA. T CV Parcel Guides recovered, as well as the GPS model GPS device. These articles were talented officials to continue investigations.
Among other materials that can be illegally, rhines, refrigerators, dresses of various brands, tires and fabrics were found on the spot. The State Prosecutor’s Office has promised to continue with the relevant investigation.
Following the instructions of Daniel Serono, the public police station of citizens protection, the municipality maintains surveillance activities throughout the municipality, with the intention of responding to any incident in which police intervention requires.
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