Didunnews.com, Pegasi . Theoluba HumaraBamboo fence in the village of Baljaya, Sera Jaya Village, Tarumajaya District, Pegasi Regenzi on Tuesday (11/2/2025), said his customer suffered a loss of $ 200 billion.
The demolition of bamboo fences is carried out because it is thought to not be completed.
“Loss RP Marine fenceTuesday (11/2/2025).
However, Deoliba added that no compensation was paid by the relevant parties because the project was violated because of the applicable rules.
“Oh, there is no compensation. In the business world, there is profit, there is a loss,” he said.
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Although the bamboo fence is removed, the fishing port construction project in the village of Baljaya will continue by PT TRPN.
Theoliba said he would conclude his party licensing trophy so that the project could run according to the procedures.
“We will take care of the license needed to procure fishing ports. We want to continue with the facilities and infrastructure of this port,” Deoliba said.
Currently, PT TRPN is still permit permission to approve the compliance of marine space use operations (PKKPRL), which has reached 80 percent according to Theoliba.
The process of demolishing the sea fence
The bamboo fence on Tuesday (11/2/2025), with the supervision of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), began to remove by several BT TRPN staff.
Director General of Maritime and Fisheries Resources (BSDKP), Pung Nagroho Saxono or IPink, B.T. Marine fence The. The.
“They pulled out the fence. This is an example for other companies that make similar violations.
We continue to coordinate this problem quickly, ”he said when he met on Tuesday (11/2/2025).
The removal of the 3.3 -kilometer bamboo fence is targeted on Friday (2/14/2025) with the supervision of KKP.
Based on Tribunbeczy.com observations, the demolition process was carried out using a type of heavy equipment, while some BT TRPN staff manually dragged the bamboo fence.
For information, for projects Marine fence It was demolished in Pegasi because the PKKPRL was not allowed for this project. As a result, the KKP held a project seal on January 15, 2025. (Wartakotalive.com/rendy Ruta)
This article was broadcast on Wartakotalive.com with the title The marine fence project in Pegasi was demolished, PT TRPN RP lost 200 billion