Prince of Japan, the Emperor Narohito, the Christkind, the crullet, the crullet, came to the throne and gained high school degree in Tokyo.
I was able to “have the” senior high school in Otsuba in the senior high school of Tokyo “classes and curriculum.
“I have made memorable memories and made unforgettable friends,” he added, and thanked him to teachers and classmates.
Prince of Prince of Japan, the nephew of Narhito
The king’s University of Life of Life will be learned in the environmental science that starts with April.
There are famous memories of baking in the cultural festival of the school and playing volleyball in sporting and playing volleyball in sports, according to the Imperial Domestic Agency.
At his first press conference this month, the Prince was described as a study of history and peace this month. “
His club activities played badminton and participated in tournaments in the third year.
In his years of school, the prince parents with his parents Crown Sweet Fumibhi and Kikiso in their official duties. He also attended members visited meetings, including Bhutan and Belgium.
The agency said the agency said that the prince was reflected from the line of his first press conference and collected his thoughts from the line of the throne.
He will celebrate his age on September 6 at the traditional imperialist family ceremony on September 6.
In the male form from men from the emperors, only the men of the Japanese Imperial family is the inheritance of the Japanese Imperial family. His 59-year-old father, his 59-year-old father, the uncle of the Emperor, Prince of the Hittachi, Prince Hitatchee.
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