Prime Minister Marf Karni refused to the successor to his successor.

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The newly mented Prime Minister was currently tourized from London and Canada.
When it returns to be the Prime Minister, when the next federal election will be called to be called, the next federal elections will be marked exactly where to throw bags to the Ottawa.
When England’s Bank of England returned to Governor of England in 2020, Carni lived with his family in his rockcelif park.
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Now he is officially running out of the country, even if he is officially running out of the country, where the question will be high.
Outgoing Prime Minister Justin Turlado is lives in the Rideo Cottage after being elected in 2015, not to switch to residate residence due to advanced maintenance. In 1951, from Louis St. Lorent to Three Prime Minister of 2015 stayed at 24 Sussex in 2015.
The Prime Minister’s Office explained yet to see a hockey game to see a hockey game or capture a hockey game after a long business.
“PMO said that the Prime Minister Caranya is to take action to take action to take action, PMO should reply to questions from Ottawa and the most powerful economy in Canada.
For the residence of the Prime Minister will take place in time.

Security is a major problem, of course.
Can a sitting PM be able to live in a residential stre? – Do you want to be an upscape – Good morning tells our neighbors when taking rubbish into the control of his pajamas?
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At the same time, there is a short-term for any move now.
When the carnie is selected to do the election call – April 28 or May 5 has a significant speculation of potential – He will decide to be the shortest of the Prime Minister. The 69-day is the current record of the current record of Sar Charles Rubachepper, July 8, 1896 ran in the country.
Even if the conservatives of the Carshery or the Conservatis of the Pierre Preaia, the conservatives of the Pierre Preaia, the Prime Minister’s proper residence needs to be taken.
A 22-room-colored system is a stop-gap solution in the field of Ridew Hall.
Typically, the Cottage Governor General of 1867 was used to the Secretaries and visitors. To use for the Draft Minister functions, use many security question signs. Trudo has lived in the Harrington Lake in Chelsea.
The Prime Minister’s prospect is turned into a political potatoes, returning to Sussex There is a success that would like to touch a few government officials.
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Spend in millions of dollars in millions of dollars, it is not profitable, but not in the country. However, the house will be destroyed by history buffs of linging with the past.
The National Capital Commission (NCC) 2021 reports, 2021 report, will cost $ 37 million to upgrade the option of appropriate criteria.

This building has been reduced to decimal before the 2015 election. The wrong electrical system is fire was danger. It was the habitat of assist and rodents. The pond and the sauna region filled with mold.
The proximity of the road is a safety risk of it and the house is a drone attack without steel plates.
The main residence is just 12,000 square feet on the main residence without an appropriate recruitment sector. For comparison, the White House is 56,000 square feet, and the 10th place in London.
In 2022 Sussex closed for official reasons in 2022. After that, remove the wrong wiring, asbestos, asbestos, intangible rats, the blank shell remains.
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There was some appetite to upgrade, Harper Front Libal Prime Minister Jean ChrisAndSign in private fundraising attempt and cut party lines.
However, another camp believes that a new diverse is more finen to build the Prime Minister’s residence. Rockcliffe Park is a suggested place.
Being interesting, One of the last effects of Trudo before resigning To prepare in the next January, his storage minister was to send a letter to the destruction of a new locale and jean to send a letter to the Dukulus of the wise.
TRODo said that he will meet the Chief Minister’s clerk with private security minister David McGuguint and the public security minister M Ciganti will meet with the public security minister M.
In addition, Trado said that the NCC would be transferred to official residence and Canada for official residence and Canada to take care of the public services.
It is a matter of a matter tomorrow.
As far as today, the 24th Prime Minister of Canada arrived at home home, you will choose home to call home?
X: Paulenswarren
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