A unique discussion about Polish Radio RDC. Only women who talk about important things have received a voice. Economic, legal and safety, safety and safety. It’s all in three panels.
– A related economic and financial security of women. We talked hard on physical safety. Panel on the law, so much interesting topics. It is very nice to hear. Very good women ‘day. I am happy to have the opportunity to spend this time – the president Carolina Andrea.
Such conversations believe that such conversations may be able to devote such conversations to the entire weekend.
– I think there is noise, we start living in such a changing world but there is so much to do so much at the same time. Because, I think our hands rolled out, in the roots, roots, roll our hands, rolling our hands on the root. She said.
“We’re a longer ahead of us”
– – Each of them is a mere role, model to show how great class we will develop. To do a lot, but I’m glad we have to come to the full agreement because we will cooperate because I think it’s all very important – she is very important.
The council of Warsha’s council in the Residential Warsha, indicated that women’s voice was a good start to make noise.
– I hope we talk more about safety at these difficult times. For me, MPs talked to local government officials, that is, the cooperation between all institutions is very important – she said.
The first panel of the women’s discussion was devoted for financial security. How to deal with payback, and how to deal with work gap, and how can sexual discrimination at work, and how to penetrate the glass ceiling.
The panel led Alexandra Karaziska.
Henrya Bochniars-Founder, Founder and Eliyanetan Central Confederation Counfeteration Curor’s Chair’s Chair’s Chair’s Chairman of the European Union, President of the European Union, President of the EU Advisory. He is controlled by the Botic Advisory Company, Building Validity, Reporting, Investor Relationship, Carolina andriyan President Professional. Agnieska chóoń-Domiikzak-EM Director of the Institute of Statistics and the population of the Panel, the director of the Institute of Statistics and the population of the Panel is common, and the work of non-payment is the job.
https://www.youtube.com/watch 9v=_jwu6QceJ0
The second panel is whether women in Poland are safe. Raised the subject of physical and mental violence.
The panel was led by the Nala standaus.
Gossins’ Vocaba: Patrakja acquisition, sexocrageer, SWS journalists The leader of the Central European Digital Digital Media Observatory, Publications, Olga Saboleviks – Leader of Digitization Minister’s leader “leader of” AI Legal Rules’ A Certified Legislative Manages Rules in the Field of New Technology, “Women who don’t want to be afraid,” the author of the woman’s author “is a blue stripe” woman with a blue line.
https://www.youtube.com/watch 9v=smcy_-l0fk
The third panel was devoted to the original changes in the law. Panelists pointed out that inequality appears in inequality in many aspects in Asmen life.
The panel led the Physkiri Gosudi.
Gaose: Alexandra Gajung-Deputy Family, Social Policy, MP Humanities of Humanities, Academic Teacher, Social and Politics of the Academic Sciences of Social Sciences. A long-term spokesperson in the Marshall’s office of Marshavian vodship. The author of scientific and press articles on local, local media. Initiator, Congress of Masoki local media, Pilgrimage, Paulina Pitchen-Wickeciecz – National Education Minister.
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