Poland Big Techom will screw screw? “We are fighting for digital sovereignty”

According to Crosistef Gavakovsky, Poland needs Poland to develop technical development, including AI, and the European leader requires new funds, including AI to AI to the AI ​​to AI. To the budget and budget of the place where the digital taxes originated, or to work in the development of Polish Technology, or later work for Polyish Technology projects “- Pap Bisness Deputy Prime Minister

“(…) We should investigate the budget and expressed additional resources that can be spent on this purpose and seems to be a Digital Taxi “ – Said CrossStof Gavkowski.

Look: Media: Media: This will be a “Sainudman” with a “global consequences.

– Prime Minister Gavouvsky and Minister Standardski Meeting with Standardsky – Come to the employer of the Digital publishers of conversations.

We discussed a variety of situations to introduce acquaintance from other countries in other countries. The subject is not new. The job OECD, in the global Digital Tax, the European Union forums has been on the European Union forums. They mainly block the United States. The aim is to match the tax for a changing digital economy. Technology giants sell their services, Egg Mainly, they use user data and action to increase the value of their offer. That’s why At the meeting, we support the standard of income, and it will cover the money with the tax and will be well developed and will not fall off in a budget bag. – Makaceas speak about the Causoski consultation.

According to the head of the Association of Digital Publishers, the Polish media may strengthen the digital tax revenue.

– In the view of publishers, we hope to support digital tax funds, for example, the struggle and technical sovereignty and technology. This is a special money to go to the Polish culture, it is very underlying – Macij Cososky.

Digital tax discussion for years

There were already ideas to introduce the “Bigtech Tax” on Polish in general The discussion of Bigtex taxes are being part of OECD for years. However, the legal systems of various countries stood in the road.

In France, GAFA tax on Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple Names called Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple Names.

The Polish government tried to push the application in the application in 2021, and it was broken by free media and Google, Facebook or Amazon.

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How many pool at the Digital Tax can

A comprehensive analysis of the possibility to introduce digital tax on Poland. The opportunities have been provided in the market between domestic and global companies, to avoid taxes and redeem the financial value of the data that users make users.

“In the basis of a comparative analysis in selected countries, the Evident is recommended that the European Commission is recommended DST (DGT (Digital Service Tax) – Direct income tax for unified income of companies provided by turnover – Digital taxes for monsters of Analysts “Analysts. Digital tax presented in Poland.”

Depending on institutional predictions, digital tax revenue can be more quicker than the domestic economy. When the first year of tax, the state budget can be accepted up to 1 billion. The first 5 years of validity estimated in 2020 can get $ 2 billion from Digital Tanics from Digital Tanics.

The quoted analysis mentioned by digital tax revenues to raise digital tax revenues and provide legal tales or investment in platform courts.

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Digital Tax can reduce commercial deficit “Bits Import”

The digital tax continues to work as part of the Polish Digitization strategy. The first consultation meeting has already been held, and there was a small group of business representatives and NGOs.

Polish suggestion is the proposal, the tense European-American relationship can be “frightened in the USA”?

– The tax is also introduced by Gavkovski and Standardsko-which is that he presents our authorities. I asked all the consultations compared to last year. After the implementation of the DSA is done every time I heard, there will be time for their own initiatives, this is one of them. ” These processes have changed half a year, but they are in compliance with the Left. I won’t understand this for a complete fiction. On the contrary – International environmentally convenient to fight for our digital sovereignty The Portal Wrchelimadia PP L Jan Oless Sig Sounga, Co-chairman of Polish Economy Network is a fellow-author of the analysis quoted in this text.

According to expert, ironic, tense relationships in the US-Europa line are your own digital service sector.

– They import great amounts of goods, it weakens their industry. The name may cause some balanced state in the USA may cause similar thought. According to my estimate, the import of digital products in a period of 30-40 billion per year has commercials. So we should make symmetrical movements to reduce our commercial deficit in “bit Import”. These-analysis may have the best logic in an interview with Jan Oless Ziggmuntowski Wartemalinemedia.pl.

Our interlocker is emphasizing the concept of digital tax to implement the right political will. – It can be implemented within a country. Other countries presented taxes. I understand that the European Commission has developed the digital service tax by developing the digital service tax. This may be a few billion zlotitys for Poland – says a co -stamman on Polish Economy Network.

The Olues Zig-Sig Munovascons is sensitive to spend the money collected from the new tax.

– Polish starters and VC market needed this? Or research, innovation, digital copperters? CWe will find our own path to the more digital sovereign, but we will take this money, and then we will make it like everyone else, So in 10 years, these startups will be exitza for Western Corporations? After all, it is the dream of each VC fund – a co -stairel in Polish Economy Network.

Fast US Administration Response

“This is not very wisdom! Self-friendly and relationship with the Poland’s relationship with Poland and the USA will be adversely affected. Trump in advance He will also answer the vengeance. Lax be taxed to avoid stability! ” – In the Donald Trump platform in the Donald Trump platform as the US Ambassador’s place in Poland.

In this way, the Digitization Minister Kraksistif Gavecovski said the Left public education and nominations on the Digital Give Minister Minister of Minister’s Minister.

The US criticizes the rules of the EU of the American concerns

Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump

Trump and his business minister Huard Lumkik will be considered to take into account the trademarks such as the VAT when placed in the EU when making rituals in the European Union.

According to the European Union Commissioner, the European Union’s giants are 40 per cent sources up to 40 per cent of the European market. Their income. A large surplus in the United States (the EU reaching the scope of 157 billion, the European Union has reached the limit of 157 billion in the area of ​​reaching the scope of 157 billion.

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