Former President spokesperson Harry Rock Manila in protest against the country’s sovereign and the constitutional authority in judicial power.
In the interview with a news that it will be a way to apply democratic rights and oppressed what is called the Constitutional Arrest.
We call people to apply their democratic rights to hear their voices. Living here, not only the rights of former president employees, but also in Rocsein’s rights as a sovereign country.
He argued that he was allowed to prosecute a foreign tribunal to prosecute crime under the Philippines.
He repeatedly quoted in the international criminal court (ICC) in 2019, the arrest of the Devteror’s arrest was constitutional.
“It is clear that” we are not the ICC’s member. The ICC prosecutor’s primary inquiry was made after the second year of our withdrawal, “Rock said.
In addition, the Rock questioned the Terms of the Philippine National Police (PNP), and the Rock questioned the texion of the PNP), and the lack of antactitary seal.
Rokwe revealed that Havaesans Corpus and Certiorari are submitted to Hawesens Corpus and Certiorari for Hawesens Corpus and Certiorari for the Conference Corpus and Certiorari to challenge the legality of the President.
ICC’s warrant, the warrant of the attack and the warrant of the attack, is not a legal basis because the collaboration of the attack and PNP (marks) and PNP.
Rocwe claims that the interpol against duty is justifying the red notice arrest.
“It is absolute stupidity. A red notice arrest is not international warrant,” he said.
He argued that he argued that the Philippines had no covenant.
Transfer, subject to local laws, only a red notice can only cause a red notice. We are the local rules that determine if we collaborate, “he said.
Is the arrest law?
Changed from Rockwei to raise questions about the legality of arrest yesterday’s legality yesterday and argued that they have not received official copy of the ICC Warrant.
Former employment secretary Silistway Bloi said the arrest would not be arrested before the arrest of the arrest of the arrest in Villamor Air Bas.
The arrest of the arrest before to arrest someone. That is a legal basis, “said Bellow in Philippino.
Justice Secretary Jesus has yet to speak with Jesus Christpin Rebulla and had not been seen and Bemo and Bemo.
“There was a warrant to arrest him. I asked, ‘Where is it?’ But they never showed me, “he said.
The warrant occupied the warrant by criminal inquiry and discovery group director.
“If there is a warrant, why can’t they show it?” Bellow said.
The Baloo argued that after the occurrence was done after the warrant was carried out after the warrant, Blove argued that the rights of the Pedter had violated.
Basically, the arrested should be given a copy. They can show it as a lawyer but they should give him a copy of him, “he added.
Former President Rodrigo Padetar arrived in Policy terminal 3 yesterday. – Jesse Bustos
Go to go near Pedater
Sen Bong Go for blocked from blocking the paiders after arresting the paiders.
The ambulance, the Pedterverties doctor, hoping to take the former president to the hospital on Wednesday, the Ambulance, Pedtervertis doctor.
He said he had achieved a pass allotted to the paider to bring in an ambulance but he was blocked from going anywhere nearby.
“He is 80 years old. He has lodged about the safety and health of TatiGon.
Go to Pedder Heek, “Entrance to Medical Care is a constitutional right of every philipino.”
Gayle Off Air Facebook went on the point yesterday’s point in live streams.
At a gate of Air Bhas, pizza’s pizza distributed pizza even the pizza of the pizza, and attracts no uniformmed personnel to allow him in.
However, the guards told him that he was not allowed to cite “instructions”.
Meanwhile, the box, Del Rosario, Pizza Box, the paper bag containing burgers and the burgers.
The kitty requested the food for the peeder arrested in the morning, the Kitty requested the food.
When he was in custody, Kitty took to post his father’s pictures when he was illegal detention.
“I’m saddened that she was exposed to it so young,” said Kitty.
When the mayor in Dawaovo, the state policy of the suspicion of drug suspicion murder is not going to go before ICC before ICC.
The President of President of President is also appointed to the president. He did it for the country. I am a witness to that. This is what he gets to serve the country? But now they cannot do anything about that, “said.
“He is a lawyer. He will keep the Law. But I was hurting that it happens now,” he said.
Dawo or Death Squad was mentioned in the documents mentioned in the documents submitted to the ICC about the paiders of the Perserto.
When the Sen Ronald Deba Rosa was asked about the ICC probe to implement the Peduator’s drug war, “I can’t talk to me as a colleague. You may ask him.”
Dela Rosa remote requests are not yet responded to.
The former chief president leader conspiracy also believes former Chief President Leadal Guardas, is illegal to the arrest of the Pedterer’s arrest.
PUNP has criticized PUNP to establish Pedder in Hong Kong.
He argued that the arrest warrant was based on the arrest warrant that the ICC does not meet the ICC that ICC does not meet the ICC.
The organization and public officials arrested by the arrest of the arrest should be taken to take government action.
He said the PNP will meet one of the lawyers of the eardate’s lawyers and question them on a legal basis of arrest.
According to the panel, the ear finger arrested was lost, while the PNP will not have a severe copy of the arrest warrant.
The Pedder’s lawyers were banned from entering the air base of the Villam, where the PNP reached him to the policy terminal 3.
Despite the banning law, the lawyers blocked even under the last dictatorship under the last dictator.
“We’re going to a tyranny and we will look like that now,” Palm said.
He also criticized the government to allow and help a foreign organization ICC in arresting a philipino citizen.
‘A political clause’
The City Mayor Sebastian Sebastian Sebastian lost the Marcos Government illegally to return to the Philippines.
In a series of social media task, the former President’s youngest son was called “Political Hitrak”.
He alleged that the administration was arrested that the arrest was said that Anomali around the National Budap.
He criticized the authorities for allegedly alleging that his father was based on jurisdictions in the Philippines.
“The clowns are treating like again. This should end,” he said.
Daioo Merar allegedly denied the Father Medical Care.
“I feel like they are trying to kill the old man,” the Mayor claimed.
IMEE looks bad
Former President expressed sympathetic yesterday.
I was surprised and I couldn’t believe it. The Kawavaava Namanam president employee, “said in an interview when the Marcos campaign is conducted.
The 1986 People Electricity Revolution and former presidents arrested, Joseph Estrady and Gloria compared the state of Amterter after Macaapagal-Aroio.
“We have never learned our lesson. This is already a cycle of political birds. Our lives did not get better from politics,” said Marcos Filupino. – Mark Jenson Kayab, Civil Suite Felip, Emmanuel Tappas