

Petrol Pump owners have rejected the government’s D -order policy and rejected the formula, pointing out that Pakistan petroleum dealers and petrol pumps across the country have been closed.

All Pakistan Petroleum Distributors Association President Abdul Samiya Khan, Price of Petroleum Products Rejects the T -Recitation Sutra

It should be noted that regulating the price of petroleum products will determine its price by the D -D -D -D -D -D -D -DIM.

The Emergency Meeting of the Central Committee of the Petroleum Distributors Association has been convened and Abdul Sami Khan will be organized by anti -banners across the country from today.

In an emergency letter, the Petroleum Ministry will demand opposition to the T -omitted formula and increase the edge.

Abdul Samik Khan has demanded a 4 percent increase to the brink of petroleum dealers, ”he said, supporting the Ogra T -Classical Sutra, however, in support of petroleum vendors, but the ministry could not speak in front of the Ogra officials.


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