Dubbid Gay, South African religious leader “gay, gay as the first public public Muhsin Hendricks Shot In the attack that many believed on February 15. Together Poured around the world, but his death was justified.
His passage is intensive to a global discussion of whether the quar Muslims are faithful. Was a friend of Amunella Douland Scholar Including Muslim sex and malehood Contributions Hendrix. He paid tribes and discusses great problems.
Who is Imam Muhsin Hendrix?
In 1967, Muhsin Hendricks was born in Cape Town, and raised in a Muslim family. He married a woman before the gay in 1996. He then married a Hindu man. His marriage as two Muslims to many Muslims: It is between the two men and is with another faith.
Muhsin Hendrix was a scholar who studied the world’s famous religious leader. In South Africa, who brought people from Karachi to London, the big quar Muslim organizations in South Africa brought together to London.
Before you study global, he first worked as an Arabic language teacher and fashion designer, especially in a religious seminary in Pakistan. He trained himself and led the churches of churches.
He was Shot When he came out in a Cape Town Mosque, he was in place of his teaching. At the major moments of his life, Hendrix talked about his time on his time to reach the reconciliation between faith and sex. He believed that Islam would have different colors.
What was his contributions for the pluralism?
There is an estimated understanding Two billion All the Muslims in the world are the same, their faith and practice.
This is really true.
Islam has lived differently in different places and different sections. There are no two Muslims. They share the central belief of faith, but the diversity of life is the most different. For example, in Islam, Islam or Singapore is very different to Islam in Islam or Singapore.
I have Argued That gender, sex, especially men, today create crisis in the Muslim world today. Hendriks are the symbol of his religious leadership, organizations, organizations, organizations, organizations, organizations, hardships, tensions, tensions, tensions, tensions, tensions, tensions. He will never sit in a box. He opened, exploiting the Muslim and Quitrer.
Never seek Hendrix confirmation from those who do not agree with him. Often the quote Quoted It is that Islam is a homosexuality sin. There was Updated Statements Against Islam globally deployed with homosexuality.
Hendrix has changed to have believed to have co-Muslims and Muslims quir and Muslims. He aims to raise the plural of the Muslims – Islam had multiple ways to live. He wanted to support other Muslims who fight quite fun and completely Muslims. The spaces that gave the opportunity to reflect and to strengthen and strengthen.
Can you tell us more about his job?
Hendricks Organization Internal circle Research and movement work, but he works at different levels. Creating a safe space between Muslims and works at an interface – to work in the area – South Africa and global. South Africa and global
The least of the least organization wants to empower Muslims to accept who they are them. Studies lgbtiq + has proved young people Twice as likely To think of suicide. Hendrix Said to He was driven in his job to help prevent yourself from killing himself.
Hendricks had a vision to see training Next generation Of leaders and imams. In Islamic study, he ensured that the organizations of the Islamic studies, and the organization creates the organizations that carry out it to appoint it in Islamic studies.
He also created Al-Baturbow Foundation To create a space for mental and spiritual support.
Because of the influence of this job, he was a goal of conservative Muslim anger. He was very common on his sexuality who is not many religious leaders and other Muslims. There is a strong culture of “Do not ask, don’t ask,” don’t ask for sexual purposes globally.
Why is so partition problem?
The intellectual arguments on Kwitle Muslims Made up Now there was more than a decade. Hendrix was always Included In this kind of academic studies.
Participated in an important 2007 documentary A jihad to love. It was built by Pervez Sharma, it follows the life of Muslims and life. Considering him a Muslim reproves himself in a conversation with a conservative Islamic scholar, reprimanding him from a Muslim grace to pray for a Muslim in his funeral. Hendricks focus on and remain strong in his faith.
The conservative Islamic view of gender and sex is holding up the traditional roles of men and women – a husband, wife, marriage and reproduction.
Hendrix had Others Who started a conversation globally: Can you adjust some of these parts that claim us? Queen Islam is the place?
He highlighted that never can be full consensus in these matters among Muslims. His life showed that Islam is a variety.
Many Muslims will disagree with the murder of Imam’s murder. A major list of Muslims who condemn homophobia has already begun Repute In response to his death. However, there are some who say he deserves about social media, and Islam says that Islam should be killed.
Since his shoots him, it was shot, the difficult questions that were facing Muslims all over the world and have raised sex.
How do you remember him?
Hendrix was born to the country, including the liberation of some church leaders Imams, Formed Of the fight against Systemal ethnicity. He continued the history of this activism.
His life was a masterclass of different forms of discrimination Intersect. He was a Muslim, a colorful person and a sexual minority. In his life he faced homophobia and Islamophobia.
He knew that it was a threat to his life but he is Report Due to the bodyguard, because he wanted to live his life authoritatively.
He was a communicator including the use of social media. His Ticoc And Instagram You will see what you see you see Bollywood The songs do some dance to them. I think he is happy to share them as a tribute now.
There was a way of capture to seize the minds of many people at different levels. His rich was challenging. He wanted to accept differences of the Islamic law and theology and inner. Hendrix has offered a fully covered-inclusive method of Islam, and he believed the more integrity and quarred.
Amanella Douby Senior Lecturer, the leader of the contemporary Islam, the University College Cark.
This article was first published Conversation.