In health care, Bonnie Kroombi cannot decide whether to embrace or exclude the former prime minister’s record

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On Wednesday, in Toronto, Ontario Liberal President Bonnie Kroombi kept another one Notice The importance of choosing his party in Hallway Health Care in the province. Again, no comprehensive plan is provided with full site or expenses. Grombombi spoke very little of his attacks on Duck Ford and the “tour of personal events”. Unfortunately, as far as Chrombi is concerned, the smooth activity of the play on emotions believed that his party’s low health care registration and the former leader of the party’s former leader of the party did not ask any question.Is very expensive. ”

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This announcement is different than the last of Chrombi. His propaganda has changed from the use of statistics about the waiting lists, and the mining of personal stories has shifted from the Pathos, the individual and the emergency room doctor.

Doctor Raga Before Krombombi spoke, Venugopal took the stage with emotion. Ontario Er shared personal events from doctors’ patients, noted that things have been worse since 2018. He described that “Hallway Health Care” to “Station Health Care” from “Health Security” from “Halway Health Care” to “Station Health Care”.

A mother’s miscarriage, an elderly patient, an elderly patient in a painful intestinal obstruction, a patient suffering from new brain cancer, and many others, are treated in an ER chair. One of his own patients waited 40 hours in the emergency room.

No one would argue that congestion in Ontario emergency rooms is not a problem. The real questions are, how did we really come here and who is the best plan to fix it?

Unfortunately, even though these stories were provided by an ER doctor, we did not give us any feeling of provoking me to the crisis. They only show us its consequences. Are these problems mainly rural or urban? How does the pension of doctors and nurses play a role? How is the old population? How does the lack of beds and special equipment play a role? Do hospitals carry the mental health crisis that needs to be handled by companies instead? Is it somewhat triggered by an increase in immigration? If so, we should also try to prevent that input.

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A health care crisis must be explored in detail and accurately. Although Krombi has not yet shown us the profound analysis that has taken place before he comes up with her project solution to get a family doctor in four years, we know that she thinks she thinks Fax machinery Is an important part of this crisis.

When things are a little nervous during a reporter Trillium – A report that focuses on hiding the Queen’s Park – Ontario liberals suggested that the liberals were in power until 2018 and may have been part of the problem.

The reporter recalled to Chrombi that “the previous Liberal government had been disabled for the hospital expenses”, “Did it make a mistake?” He asked.

Former Prime Minister Kathleen Wain’s first responded by defending the Liberal government, saying, “Twenty -three hospitals were built at the time.” She is a “Other A kind of leader, “Anyway.

The reporter followed, and asked Krombi about the comment made by Wayne’s government on the cost of health care. “Are you upset for those comments now?” The reporter asked.

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These ideas are “taken from the environment.” But were they?

When you run to the liberal leadership in May 2023, Krombi is, in fact, in fact, Say Two In Wayne’s cost choices, “I think some results are very expensive for Ontarians … Health Protection, Child Care, Dental Benefits.”

It seems like Krombombi thought the previous Liberal government had spent more for health care. Has it suddenly changed?

Ontario passes up to NTP Blame Liberals to find Hallway Health Care. According to NTP, at the end of their tenure, Wayn’s liberals left 1.8 million Ontarians Without a family doctor. They Cut million 27 million When Hamilton Health Sciences operates 110 percent. They too Cut 5,500 nurses During the 2013-2016 period.

During his news conference, Krombi Duck Fordin started a stealth against “Fantasy Tunnel”, “Ontario Place” and his big announcement of what his party will do differently. But nothing new was announced on Wednesday. Again, he mentioned that he was investing in family doctors, nurses and hospitals. There is no details of how this will be accomplished or how the costs are not paid.

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Chrombi’s campaign group recently made a mistake in a passenger Incorrect statistics To the side of one of their massive red propaganda buses. The identity said, “11,000 people waited for surgery last year. This is the Ontario of Duck Ford. “In fact, the number of died patients while waiting for surgery is less than 1,600 to 1,900. However, as patients have died from waiting surgery, in fact, they may be waiting for life -threatening surgery or scans, and may be attacked in a car. Can Ontarians believe in a political party that does not even understand statistics before creating a plan?

The most obvious question that the Ontario liberals still answer is that the party is more appropriate for their party to resolve the health care crisis, rather than the conservatives of Duck Ford, and he recently appointed Dr. Jane Bilbat as the head of the Ontario PC’s new primary health care team. Bilbad is the former federal liberal health minister. Instead of the four years of Chrombi’s promised, he has made a slightly conservative promise to connect everyone in Ontario with a family doctor within five. Bilbot is very efficient in explaining the waiting list and other figures to accurately detect the problems faced by the Ontarians. On the other hand, the fact that Kroombi may have been a part of his party issue did not confirm.

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X: @Tlnewmanmtl

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