OstacaMarch 10 (Japan) – Osaka-Kansaye Expo Xpo Visitors will now get the atmosphere at the end of the atmosphere.
In Osaka Healthcare Pavilil, the “Future Humani Washing Machine” in the 1970s. This tool is designed to clean the body and renew the mind. There is also a pavilion feature in displaying the harmful heart of the IPS cell-darate cardiac tissue. Tourists can visit this living tissue in this life within dedicated bio facilities.
Another highlight is the Fousturistic Futumic Court that promotes innovative cooking for the world. One of the selected menu items is the owner of Geon Sasaki’s owner-Cook, Michelin Three Star Restaurant for five years in a row. The menu cheese is used for alternatives such as Burdock root, instead of meat, such as Burdock Root instead of meat and maintaining the Burdoke route instead of meat.
One of the main exhibition in Pavilia is the Futicstic Health Checkup Station “Body Measure Pod”. The brain ceremony, the conditions of the skin, muscles, bones, bones and cardiovascular health can be scanned six minutes. Create a full ranking of overall ranking and how his health changed in the next 25 years. Participants offer a special vision of long-term health.
Meanwhile, when the international pavalions of the Expo’s international pavalions are completely completed. The Netherlands Pavilion recently featured a strire that symbolizes the sun’s sun and a sneaker to 360 degrees. Visitors will learn about visitors attempts to resist climate change and the transition of the transformation of clean energy. The Pavilion offers the paven-motivated food, such as the ‘Kitball,’ a popular Dutch snack-filled rice balls.
Japan was completed by the first Hydrogen-power winner Iwatani Corporation completed Central Osaka to the Expo site in Umerico site in Umerico site, does not have carbon dioxide emissions, offering visitors offering the environmentally friendly travel option.
Additionally, the director Nomi Kawas completed his pavilion, it encourages conversation and self-reflection. “Whom do you talk to the last day of humanity?” Does it perform things that are presented by thoughts of the difficulties’ The connections aim to deepen the connections to the visitor.
Osaka Governor Hiroffamy Yoshimura and the expo site appeared on the expo site, and the traditions of the event were discussed. Expo’s iconic “Daekon Ring”, it is recently set to a Guinness World Record and may be partially protected as the lasting symbol. Discussions of maintaining infrastructure and expenses are still going on.
Since ticket sales, Xpo Organizations have resolved concerns with online purchase difficulties by making the same day sales and convenience. In addition, the food items in the Xpo are raised, but visitors can bring their own food, and the event will be available to the event.
With the exciting building, Governor Yoshimura encouraged visitors to experienc her hope, technology, international cooperation and expo 2025.
Source: Yomiyuri