There are concerns about nuclear waste, and it enters the River Oitava from the capital, but also about the consortium.

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The Ottanvania was the Otkingralis, now it’s atkingralis Simply sues for $ 100m Trilium Line Light Rail Construction of its Management. But there are few millions of the SNC Lavalin in billions of crimson leaders.
An SNC-led consortium in 2015 for $ 10-billion, 10-billion Federal agreement To deal with nuclear facilities. The crown of the crown is in the banks of the Shark of the Shorest of the Shoram of the Shoram of the Shorest of the Shoram of the River Power. The SNC-Lavalin operations are conducting Texas based companies, flu and Jacobs.
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Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL owned contractor – Operated (Go-Co) transaction is public. GO Coply used managing the nuclear debilities in the United Kingdom Canceled An scandal to a Parliamentary Inquiry.
Canadian Goa Cour is currently expensive to more than $ 1.4 billion a year – more than CBC’s annual budget. The price of these activities to Canada Ltd (AECL) Ballooned By About 300 percent In the last 10 years, it is now making it between federals’ Most expensive Contracts
What was achieved in that decade; What is the value for money for Canadian taxpayers? Does the Go-CO’s skills in the Go-CO’s private sector to clean the Kainadian government? But in the case of the government, those liabiles are actually grew up from $ 7.5 billion in 2015 $ 9.8 billion in 2024.
Why is the cost of the contract rise? Well, Trilium Line, Like a Construction Scheme: 107,000 square feet. The State-Off Art Research Complex will be completed in 2028. These Described A modern, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient and efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient, efficient and efficient, the world class of the government and the Canadian nuclear industry. “
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But they are not the only expense. 14 executives and 30 management contract staff are restricted by CNL Average salary and expenditure In 2023, a total of 22.5 million dollars of $ 510,000. Both the managers and executives are a Canadian alternative. The CNL and the CIO of the US Dollar Department, such as the US Navy is the engine of the US Navy, before the US dollar department has been released from April last April.
CNL spent seven years to defend a role of a million-cubic meter The hill of radioactive garbage In the Chek River, Dubb Near the surface explicit facility, Designed to remove the 80 years of laboratory and reactive activities for low-level radatory and active waste. Groups of citizen Argue with it: Dozens of radiography including tritum, uranium, plutonium and gamma-ray.
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Small problem: Municipalities, including Ottawa, Gatno, Montreal, as well as the river is worried about anything. This is an important waterer and it helps the national capital and empty the Lawrence Sea and bring drinking water. This facility finally recognized the Canadian nuclear security commission In 2024But now the three court challenges, all tax payers do not have to fight lawicians.
The first challenge comes Kebao First NationOne of the 10 Algunquin First Countries to the Radio Active Hill. The second court case that CNSC did not meet their laws on future generations since the radio to be in a steady dump. Third case, hearing in February, the February was heard in the federal court.
What else did the Go-CO contract won? Although CNL was partners to plan the 15 MW of micro reactor in the Choc River, billing for the “cleaner expressment project. Ussc Recent bankruptcy These plans seem to be returned.
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In recent news release, CNL president Craig “powerful year” praise a “strong year” in CNL: Research on hidrogen fuel; “Site (WL) Site (WL) site (WL) site (WL) site (WL) site (WL) Site (WL) Site (WL) Site in Manitoba) Campus for long-term storage for long-term labor Signed.
Can the Canadians really get long-term value for $ 1.4 billion-a year?
The SNC-Lavalin / Atkinsris is renewal in 2025. ACL is advancing in storage process. Checking this Agreement will be priority or the next federal government preference, and Canadian tax payer’s interests are high in the list? Or is there worth the benefit of US corporations and American executives?
EVA SHACHERL The Council of Canadian ‘chapter is a member of the chapter. Ole Hendrixon A former federal Research scientist and a Sierra Club’s chair for the Canada Foundation Committee.
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