1. Marcin Sarzie – “Angenja”, Skyshower, 2025
Skyshotime Series can praise a star “Agency” Agency “and Oscar twice in the forefront of Oscar. Jeffrey “includes: Jeffrey Rice, Pairs, John Magaro, Alex Respick, Andrew Brook
Drams in the Marcin Sarseason series playing the ashes of the ashes of the ashes in the CIA of Belarus.
The ATTER Nicodem is an interview with the Serialva A website: “This process was not too longer.
He added that the moment he was not remembered by the casting and he added and he added. – When my agent sent me an email to Paramount, when they send me an email to Paramount, they want to confirm the production through production. As I go to London for photos, another e-mail is already on the date – actor agreed.
2. Domico Domixic- “Field”, HBO, 2018-2023
The actress was born in Kaiyalam, but at the age of seven, she and his family went to America in New York.
They are known in the role of Carolina Novotney in the popular HBO series “Pursuit”.
2024 Activity Weekly A Weekly Deadline’s Best Range, a weekly serbent, which provides a script in question. In interrogation, Karologa told me to study a character.
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In the series, “the pursuit of” riding and rock family members fight for power and influence. Works in the same way as “Soprano Family” shows how the systems of domestic violence are a family. The logon setuped the Ruppera Murdok to Plan his fifth marriage. Tony Soprano was similarly done, Don Draper and Bojake Horseman gave the need to reset the ruined mental health and the need to reset.
3. Susanna Sadkovsky- “Glotakara”, The 2007-2012
Actress, born in Warso, but the Indiana rose. Thank you for the role of Dorota in popular “Gossys.
According to CECly Warne Seager, an American Youth Series “Gossip” Gossip “Gossip” Gossip “Gossip” Gossip “Gossip” Gossip. The Series Narrator is a blogger of an anonymous identity (crystan bell’s voice) that describes the life of the students in a private school in New York.
Susanna Sadkovski was on the 26th episodes in Sorota. Her character is a maid with Blair Waldorf, one of the lead roles of the series. The heroine is a comedy form, his characteristic feature, when he is angry, she is going to talk to Polish.
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The actress said of one of the interviews: – We found a little bit of a little in the states. Was 1981. Of course, a very turbulent period. My mother and I came to meet my father at the University of Sirachas University. We came to a short time. However, at the same time, the borders closed. We couldn’t come back so we became political refugee. So we are the only people from our family who came here. My parents came to empty suitcases and take the jeans to be filled with Livis and take the Sushanna Sadkovsky.
4. Joana Kulig – “The Eddie”, Netflix, 2020
After the performance of Pavlichouvsky’s “Cold War”, the three Oscar nominations have begun to get many foreign film and serial proposals. The first was a series of “Eddi”, However, it did not change as a hit Netflix.
The “Iddi” is a musical series at the contemporary Paris, mainly in a clubs there. Production plays the owner and members of the production.
The series included: Andre Holland, Amundla Steel, Leela Bakh, Leela Bakhi, Leela Bakhi, Polish actress Kulig, Maja and a woman were wearing Maja and a woman.
The heroine seems to be lost outside the stage, and they decide to join the jazz pianist team on the time of the time. Julia and Elliot teenagers quickly appear in Paris and motivates her father to face his father. The co-owner in the Farida Club leads a mysterious life, which reflects the elight and his team – we read in netflix’s announcements.
5. Adamien Peter – “Hawkete,” Disney +, 2021
The “Hhankeye” is a superhero season based on Marvel Comics. The Creator of the series was a busy jonathan directed by Bert & Berty, Rice Thomas.
Piaot Adamsics played the role of the Dressing Mafia member. Actor was performed and in others, in others, up to Jeremy Ratish and Tony Dalton. Adamsic presented to “all mankind” and “good luck” and “night blessed”.
Interviews in the series “Hakee ‘was a role in the series of interviews. All this began with his agent in Los Angeles, sent him to the casting. Adamsi has recorded the self-tape and he did the role of Tomaz. He was not expected to get this role. However, he realized that his interpretation liked the Creator. Pitcher Adam Sikh is unkjections, because she knew it, because the creators have not revealed a lot of details in the casting stage.
6. Veronica Rossetti – “Detective 2”, HBO, 2015
The actress of the Standard was through the second season “detective”. In an interview with the two episodes, the Agnes of them, the series and critics accepted much. Collin Farel and Rachel Maknams and Rollin Farah, Racham and the experience of Hollywood production was given the opportunity.
Rosati was emphasized that a career was raised in the USA, which is why they have frequented the castings regularly and built a network of a contacts in Hollywood. Thanks to their determination and ability, she was able to engage in this proud production.
The actress appeared in the other series, “Ncis”, “Rosemari’s child”, “from this world” and “the way through the NCIS: Los Angeles”.
7. Marcin Dorosiaski – “Gambit The Queen”, Netflix, 2020
In the series, played the film of the “Gambt The Queen”, Marcin Dorosixy, Russian Dorosixy, the leadership of the lead rid of the heroine of the lead role. The series gained approval of critics and viewers around the world.
As an actor said, the Creators of the series were seeking an actor who plays Burgov’s role – a cold, distance, but in the internal power of chess grandmaster.
The act of Ches’s rules before photos, so he had to study his parties to play his parties.
The actor appeared in the film ‘Vh, Halla “film Wicklix written.
8. McMuly Muslim – “The Snarner”, Netflix, 2019
Muziah was one of the Creators in the Polish series in the “1983” Creators in the Polish series of the Netflix’s first polish.
The Massij Musage was emphasized that he wanted to participate in this production of Andre Freh Sapikovsky.
In the series he played Laslow’s knight, appears in several scenes and still protects the siral princess. Although it was a small role, for the reason – as he reminded – it is an important experience that he has allowed him to play in a large Hollywood production.
Netflix appeared in the series and actor in the series and actor.
9. Carolina Widra- “Dr House”, Fox, 2011-2012
Distributed in the actress, it was born in the United States. Initially, she stayed in California, and then go to New York and currently lives in Los Angeles.
In early 2011 and 2012, they appeared in six episodes in the series’ Dr. House “, where Dominica petrova (later house) played. The series appeared in the series in the series sixth and seventh seasons). In 2014, “justified:” without a forgiveness “(5 episodes) played the paxx.
The actress mentioned that the relationship with Hag lorry played the main role. She said he was a great actor, but also that was very supported and professional in the set.
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Polish compared the differences between the job in the American film field. In the United States, they mentioned great emphasis on details and best preparation, that is, the process of producing production is more organized and professional.
10. Carolina Szymczak – “Ancient Investigation”, Appletvó +, 2025
“Myth Inquiry” is facing computer games and modern businesses, the most unusual labor atmosphere dramatically and comic events can become an arena of dramatic and comic events.
The American Series of American Sairy +’s production was introduced in the production of Apple TV +, where she did Anna’s role in the fourth session.
Actress wrote about his partnerships in the series: – I hope you will be proud of our countryman, and who is a great actor. It was very nice to play with him. Thank you for the next American adventure. The whole team is “mythical probe” is really a big family, so in life. Working with them was an honor.