Photo of Pexal and Kabootics. Photo of the help of assistance.
The Zone Locker Hospital in Mallorka, launched an advanced homepital in the Mallorka, published 24/7 and cost 33%.
In its first six months, 140 patients treated it for 140 patients, improves health efficiency.
New Home Hospitalization Model
The Zone Lofer Hospital in the Mallorka, promoted an advanced homepital, promoted an advanced homer hospital, high-quality medical care in patient homes. This new approach allows to get treatment, comfortable environment, recovery and overall welfare.
In the first six months, the unit was treated 140 patients, 1,418 permitted by the traditional hospital. The average patient under this model is 33% less than the traditional hospital, which is more efficient and efficient.
The home hospitalization service is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, available throughout the year. It supports the submission multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and administrative staff to ensure that patients get comprehensive and personal care.
Health authorities praised the model to mitigate the weight in the public healthcare system. Reducing the need for hospital beds and reducing the health infrastructure in Mallorka’s health infrastructure and reducing the overall health care.
This innovative model reflects a growing trend of modern healthcare, and there is a priority to individual care, and the patient becomes priority. Zone Lyre’s victory overseas the possibilities of household care to convert the healthcare to convert landscape.
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