Valentine’s Day may be a hard time for someone who has recently been captured or whose relationship goes through a hard connection.

If you are a heart -wound, it may be the right time to visit the Newo Laareto Zoo and Fisheries.

This week, the Newo Larato City Hall and the Zoo invites the public to “baptize” a cockroach with a former name, and then used to feed the insect animals. Visitors of the zoo can personally feed their cockroach to the animals of the former zoo or online to get a video of the hidden insect.

With the stated substance to help those who are in pain Valentine’s DayThe zoo has published the following invitation on its website Facebook page:

“This February 14, give your day a unique touch. Participate in a funny activity so that you will be named as a food for the animals in our zoo, which you have named a cockroach after your ex. This is the right way to find closure! ”

With simplicity Click to take you to the registration pageYou can turn your ex -person into a cynical insect. But only two “baptism” per person is allowed.

The post was uploaded last week and created more than 100 ideas and hundreds of Facebook likes by Friday.

According to the Mileenio newspaper, some participants admitted that the family and friends were named after the cockroaches.

Others were less. A participant happily said, “Your time has come!” Another simply “I have a name in the mind.”

Although there were many who supported the mild hearted condom, some respondents expressed their refusal and classified it to be sensitive and inappropriate.

A user named this a stupid idea, according to the newspaper reform, that Valentine’s Day should not be wasted by thinking about a former.

Another opinion of the city and its companies suggested to be more civilians: “Why don’t you fix the pits on the street?” That said.

Finally, a participant opposed the being sacrificed by innocent insects. “What’s wrong with cockroaches?”

This is the second year of the second year, which has offered the pneumo Lareeto “to find the closure of cockroaches”.

With reports from ReformOvarian Millinium And Telemundo Laareto

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