Price in the National Capital Sector Prose Prose Prose will be expired Friday (PSA) in February.
Primary data from PSA fell to 1.1 per cent in February (CMPI) in February (CMPI) recorded 1.2% from 1.2% in January. The index retained its rate from February last year.
It was all the weaker reading of eight months or 1% growth in June.
The year, the CMRPI has an average of 1.1 per cent, a little slowing, a slightly slow down on January-February 2023.
The PSA said that six of the seven fraed groups show a slow increase in February. The index rose 0.4% in January.
The plumbing materials were the second heavy-heavy second consignment in the index.
Other freight groups, many manufacturing materials), Tinsmitri Materials (1.6% to 1.0%), woodpeckers (1.7%) and 1.9%), electrical materials (1.7%) and masonry materials (0.2%).
Painting materials and related compounds only rose to 2.7% from 2.2 per cent. – Go Montalo