Navajo Code Tooker for Navajo Code Tooker for the Navajo Code Tooker for Navajo Code Tooker

Articles disappeared from some military websites about the famous Native American code toaker, disappeared from several military websites.

Why is it important: From 1942 to 1945 O Code tookers In the World War II, the main pilgrimage in all major Marine Corps function in World War II.

  • they were Critical IWO to get America’s success in Jima.

Riding the news: Axio was identified at least 10 articles Referring to The Code tookers That was Disappeared From the US Army Department of Defense websites up to Monday.

How it works: As the DIP department suggested that the URL’s URLs were dial Moved Executive Order of President Trump, Equity, Inclusion Projects to end Federal variety.

  • The Internet Archive shows the eliminated Army pages until November is real-time to November, it is visible to February or March. Nothing is shown in the error messages until the trump is worth it.

On the other hand: About the missing pages, Pentagon Press Secretary John Allit answered a statement: “Secretary (Pete) Hegzath Said toDai died in the Defense Department. … We are happy because of the rapidly in the department Act Removing flexion from all platforms. “

  • “Removing content in rare cases, which removed content, which is clearly written in the instruction, and we suggest elements accordingly.”
  • “Camaradari and Mission did not address the statement that it is regarded as Code Toker.

hold fast: In it Both World War II, military units of worldly units, exchanging information in the main wares in the main wares.

  • Chocta troops Flimight The German army at the First World War I was fatally Meuse-Argon is offensive.
  • The upper Troops Created Terms of not in Language: Bombs “Pregnant Plane” Tanks “, Adolf Hitler”, Adolf Hitler “, Adolf Hitler”Posa Taughul“-” the crazy white man. “
  • Mkwi Code tokairers Then sent to North Africa to North Africa 16% The Aova of the Iowa Aova’s Aio Due to the World War II. Monday, the word “MkSwai” No longer appeared On the webs of DOD.

Zoom in: Navjo Code Tokers rapidly complexly complex and hundreds of messages in complication – often in intense battles, they make them the example of courage on fire.

  • In Evo Jima, six code tokers sent over 800 messages without any errors.

They are likely to save Countless America and Allian with languages ​​for the US government Attempted For Generations To Eliminate.

  • Meanwhile, Technus function predicts the variety of the army; More widespread use of languages ​​could not be given effective encryption.

Stunning stat: Local Americans have been recorded five times in the US military TRAMP’s own announcement In 2018.

Do zoom Axioz was found on contributions to the contributions of local Americans:

Warning: Monday, US sailors – the branch of the Navajo Code tookars did not remove its pages about them.

  • Photo footnotes and spoken transcripts continued on the Dod site.
  • Deleted pages of army have been posted for the past two years The old references followed on the site.

The most recent: The recent Axio was discovered that the “DI” labels were found in broken broken pages now:

  • Civil war Nurses
  • Prominent Black veterans and units761-Tank Battalion and 555th Parachute Infantry
  • A Latino Airman for military personnel to military personnel. The Deleted story “In the fourth place of hugging in the United States, the Airman gives it ahead.”

At the same time, The army honors pages that have been removed:

Large picture: The army was recently faced Complaints Pages removed.

  • Utah Leftanent Gov Dadre Henderson Asked Trump Last week, Utap youth – the first woman to vote in the United States – to the website of the Arlington National Cemetery’s website after the first woman to vote in the United States – the first woman to vote in the United States.
  • The army Has restored a page At its disappearance of the infantry regiment of the famous Japanese-American 442 infantry regiment.

Case Point: A Figure Army Major General. Charles Rogers, disappeared when the “meddell” disappeared, the word ‘medal “Domedal“In URL.

  • Was his “Deey Medal” Rare Same To rogers ‘details’ Quotation Spreading online.
  • When medical assistance was refused, a support base in Vietnam was injured in a large number three times.
  • The page was restored within the last day.

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