Naples and CAPRIFRREE SHOULDED 4.4 Experience

4.4 The city of the quake of the hurquent, Campa Flagry and Naples nearest Naples, hundreds of panic residents flow to the street.

In 1.25, the expense of expense in Poland’s coastal area, According to National Institute of Geophysics, Volcannam (Ingv).

Thereafter a “Sirzkik Bank” – a long range of small earthpugation and past.

Italy’s civil Protense agency Said to On the Social Media Platform X, a soft infrastructure, on the Social Media Platform X, “an injured person” reported the collapse of the suspended limit.

Italian news agency Ansa Identified The person who is injured as a woman living in the School, a beach district, a beach district of Naples.

The girl helped the fire service officers saying, “Keeps some flames”.

The ravages covered in the streets of the midnight covered with photos and videos in social media.

The civil propection agency in Italy has responded to hundreds of locals from the time of the earthquake.

A naples resident Said this Earthquake “seemed like a bomb”.

Another inhabitants said: “We cannot bring it to yourself back home. We’re afraid.”

A man in Bagnoli The local team of Italy told the news agency: “We can’t go ahead like this, we can’t sleep.”

Schools in Posule and Baghnoli will be closed on Thursday as a conventional move.

Bakoli Mayor Josie Jose Darion Asked “Stay calm and contact the local authorities for all the latest updates.


Naples Mayaire Geetano told the trade radio at Manfredio, “Especially”, “Naples,” in the city “in the city.

“There was a moment of panic … but everything calmed,” he said.

Manfreddi said that the situation is on Thursday morning.

Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni said the situation was closely observed and faced in touch with local officials.

The same area was first recorded for two 3.9 intensity in February.

May 2024 May 2024 in May 2024 a year, the earthquake and Campa Flagre were infected with 4.2 intensity documents in May 2024.

The area headquarters is the headquarters of this area in a volcanic feet – a larger, basin, usually breaks up a volcano.

The volcano occurred in 1538.

Read this: Where is the active volcanoes of Italy, how dangerous is they?


Earthquake operation in Cambetically, which is known as ‘bradycycle’ is increased, the slowest movement of the earth’s surface, the slow and vertical movement of the Earth’s surface is due to changes and hot gases.

The marked increase in the frequency and severity of the earthquake events has been concerned about the impending volcanoor range, but it said that it is unlikely in the near future.

National Institute of Geophysics, Volcannam (Ingv) Said to On Thursday, “2023 August 2023, we experience the intensity of the Bradiciansic process similar to 2023 and May 2024.

There is no signs of an explosion. To happen, the magma will rise to the surface, does not cause it to happen, “the INGV added.

In February, “We are based on scientific data,” said “We are far away.” We are far away. ”

By reporting from AFP.

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