Mother Search – Economic

Since 2010, the search mothers groups are hundreds of assets considered to consider “the eliminations.” Thousands of bone left, materials with clothing, and victims, but the information is hiding the information.

Angelica oroscoCollective member Our vanish force was united He told an interview in the Newwo Leon Financial That “hundreds of places in the country.”

“We condemned, 10 thousand bones in the Newwo Leine, left over 250 bones in a hundred bones, ie 100 people who don’t get back to the country,” he said.

“This issue is to pay it practically close to power in power and practically.”

The first of the existence of the Orosco’s Group of Orosco’s Group, “Fields or Elimination of the” Estimation of Mexical “

“We begin to call him in this way, but we are not commonly explained and awesome, it should be quite unexplain, and protest it.

Moms try to avoid constantly by authorities

Oroosko said they get information from mothers seeking authors and all that they do. The same thing happens to the unknown people with the forensic.

We know that the bodies are very damaged but they told the charge of making portraits in some states of the country, and we said that Prosecutor Office of Newwo Leon‘Creative, creative, transparent to find families, but do nothing. “

He also considered that the captains of the authorities mean Visiting To the relatives of the missing His requirement forced his requirements to produce her children and daughters.

“We need to return to our search, but we start to make such findings before the originality of the authorities,” he said.

It is not unique in the Techitlón Jalespo, for hundreds of people were found across the country, forced.

In these cases, there are many things that are similar to many of these cases and not done without doing any of them. “If anyone had not noticed, it is not that power is not realized.”

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