Juan Manual Morento Morento government is pushing the manager of the Antulusian health accounts this Wednesday. The last one of the highlights of the Ministry of Private Health Health and Health Practices.
The first Morino in 2019, the government of the government was to today (Jane, 1962) to the ICC. The Governing Council approves the Governing Council for Wednesday and the replacement of Ampo-CMOI appointment. The great job he was “defended in the” Pandemic During Pandemic During Pandemic, “the reason he had done in Pandemic. ”
According to the Mahasam, the senior deputy Miranda was not a simple manager in the administration of the Adalusian PP. He survived the two councilors, two SS managers and a dozen high positions, but also the cost of agreement through educational control, now the Judge’s magnifying glass, without financial control.
In the last five years, Mirandkans designed the influence of the SAS with budget policy and coordinated shares, coordinated and coordinated.
Between 2020 and 2024 cases of emergency, the courtes of the emergency of the emergency signed by SSs and private clinics between 2020 and private clinics between 2020 and 2024. In this case there are three senior charges, the current manager, tail prankissa, their predecessors, Miguel GUSman and Diego Varghus.
AnDelussian Pisora is signed up for “very high incidents of the government” in Morno. They have not come to Miranda, but they have clearly pointed to the definition of integrated structures for the garden of all the health centers of the public health and public health facilities of each province and public health facilities. “This is all saucners and parsley,” Say Socialists, point to “the” finger in the fingers “.
Extension and Budget Extensions
This unusual (finger) is the appointment system for urgent situations and extended between 2021 and 2024 and continuous expense adders on the initial budget 70 to 243 million. With the abuse of an emergency contract in 2021, 2022 and 2023, SAS inspectors gave adverse decisive reports.
The auditors agree that the ‘unusual “phenomenon is”
As Miranda, as Miranda, as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda as Miranda. The auditors “special relevance” condemned the “special relevance” that the SAAs argue that they have not corrected their warnings.
The Ministry of Health Health Announced: The results of the health crisis caused by Pandemic in 2020 were stopped to his finger for three years, so refer to thousands of sick to Privacy.
In 2021, the lead in the Legal Cabinet made from the Requirement of SS will increase the demand for the Board’s demand in 2023, but the controlled control report against the immediate measures, this argument is 2022-2023 last July 30, 2024 last year.
“The Reasonable Premises of Standards”, The Reasonable Annotations of North Presses ”
Five years of contracts with finger
Hiring SAS services – without hiring the advertisement, the confronters contracts, Public sector contract
According to the personal health to the SAS, Miranda is responsible for this year to the SAS. He had responsibilities to accept millions of party parties accepted in government councils.
The arguments that he promised for the involvement of private financial assistance reports of private financial assistance reports and proofing the SASs again until the end of the year.
In January, the surgical waiting list is not referred to hundreds of patients in the surgical waiting list and the expans of Varolina Especies without advertising in Seville and private clinics.
After 2021, 2022, 2023, 2023, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2023, 2023, he recreated the same argument. The arguments that SAS auditers already dismissed the control of emergency agreement with 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Covid – 19 Guademic Confirmed to serious health crises – 19. In 2022, the increase in specialists consultations in Specialists Consulttations.
First news, March 12, 2023
March 12, at 2023 private healthy s
In two years, the Juda de andulia has not returned to normal work. In September 2024, he declared a “Shock plan” to reduce the patients (surgery and diagnosis).
It was a procedure that establishes the most transparent procedure and more internal restrictions, to establish private and healthy contracts to achieve the consistency and to establish uniform conditions for ordinary companies. AnDalusian Parliament The “Shock Plan” of the AnDalusian Parliament, “Shock Plan” of the AnDalusian Parliament, invaded him to scam “corruption”.
After three months, almost high stands, which shock plan, which shock was designed by the shock plan, and the manager of Sasas was expelled by Deputy Minister and attachment. About five years later, about five years after about five years after a present manager.
At its last justification, open, publicly, more fiscal control, and the more fiscal control, which is tendered offers and its process. “In this semester, he expects them to be completed when asked to respect.”
Another judicial case, another judicial case, another judicial case, “the livestock and inappropriate fraction” in thousands of legislation. The board’s auditors assessed this chopping in a dozen unrelated reports, which invests 1,225 million.