
In the past week, the daily statistics were less than 2,000.

Photo from the union

Photo from the union

Ukraine’s health officials said 1,603 new -active Gov -19 cases were confirmed throughout the country until June 11 and 2021.

There are 75 minors and 72 doctors in new cases Ministry of Ukrainian Health.

As of June 11, a large number of cases were registered in Kiev (217), Dinibrobrovsk area (121), LVI area (113), Kiev area (105), and Jaboria area (97).

Daily Coronavirus statistics in Ukraine on June 11

  • Hospital in hospital: 762;
  • Deaths: 70;
  • Redemption: 5,583;
  • Tests per day: 25,837 PCR tests, 10,741 Elisa tests and 18,764 antigen -based rapid diagnostic tests.

ReadFirst EU Country Greenlite Ukraine Vaccine CertificatesCoronavirus figures in Ukraine since the infection began

  • Confirmed cases: 2,221,427;
  • Deaths: 51,577;
  • Redemption: 2,120,780;
  • PCR tests: more than 10.4 million.

The Data-Gremia Autonomous Republic of Russia, the city of Sevastopol, the city of Donetsk and the Luhansk regions does not exist.


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