After Metro, Dogs may make authority immediately in buses? The Montreal Transport Company (STM) does not pay the door (STM) door (STM) does not pay the door.
The motion of investing in the next municipal council is recommended to approve of dogs in the Monday, March 17, Mortgage Monthriel. The company is the company to prevent the cruelty of the Montreal (SPCA) cruelty.
The party refers to the same rules in the metro, where the dog is fitted with a piece of dog and walk permanently. Do not stop any barking and need master, make any damage and avoid the head car. General law, only a dog is accepted.
Were questioned and that moment remains sensible. “We don’t close the door to such a project but it will not be done short,” said Alamali Regis to spokesman Montreal Cariyariyaro.
Moment, dogs are allowed in buses but only in the closed cage or container. Guide and aid dogs are accepted.
Two realities
So far, “Metro is offering a more dangerous environment in this quantity” is more limited to the space buzzs, “says”Me Regis.
The presence of animals understand that the presence of the animal makes more conflicts in terms of universal accessibility, but also more frequent resources in the basis of hygiene.
In addition, the current context made to social problems and financial assistance is not the initiative, “Mr added.Me “The Regis, which is recommended to issue the supply of STM service and network security.
Before you learn to the pile of the heap, the level of the dogs in the buses, improve performance indicators, adding stability and stability to improve and stable stability “improve and stable stability” improve and stable stability. “
On the date, only 52% of users say that the metro and buses are safe. The last year was 62%. The Montreal Transport Company has received 20% more complaints in the hygiene and security.
The Opposition, IRF Salem, and the coexistence between users and their dogs is miraculously walking in the Metro. Our goal is to offer them the same flexibility, “he says.
The elected personnel remember many major metro ships, including Copenhagen, Leon, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Helsinki, Helsinki, Rome and Helsinki. In Canada, Toronto and Calgaries do so, it is in some state.
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- 70%
- In the internal survey of the STM, they said favorable to the presence of dogs in the metro
Montreal city