Molicon murder, today Cason’s decision: What happens

What is March 11, 2025, for March 11, 2025,Last operation of the Judicial affair of the Serena Molecon’s murderThe youth from the edge was killed in 2001. Court Circumstances to be acquitted by acquittal of accusedFormer Commander of former Ars Station, his son Meekko, his wife, then appeals to appeals, Or cancellation of criminals and then opening an Encore trial. Before the Supreme Court called the Supreme Court in the presence of the lawyers of the mottola and civil parties.

Trial and the defendants

Trial, motor and carabinyiy Francesco Supro and Vincensenzo Quatrel acquitted from the first category of acquittalThe Court’s first incident execution was confirmed by the Court’s president. General prosecutors Frances of Franceesco Paikadutootty and Deborah Landolphy were asked for 24 years. They were demanding four years for Francsco superno, after leaving prescription, Vincensenzo quotral was acquitted. Since she was exploited and queued as she was exploited and quiet for two-carribinii. Civil parties recorded to close the application procedures.

Quiet mudawala: “Let’s believe in justice”

” The defendants are quite quiet and trust in justice. We are sure that the Cassation court explains the best job after the two acquitted. Frankosco is a group of Frankoco Germany and Pearlogy or Lavenevarei part of Motola’s defense pool, and criminologist carmlo Lavenevarei, “Littleives are very confident.

Serena Family: “We expect in a new process”

Serena’s family members expect for a new appeal process. After Gaglillo Molemon death, the girl’s father was the fight for truth and the fight for truth and a sister consonso. The court’s general prosecutor was the best of the General Prosecutor of Rome and was established, and established it was established – that the Serena’s sister was convicted of Serena’s sister.

With the Wrash of Murea, he knew that he will not know the science of the cases, and the assassination of Serena is no blame without a guilty. ” If the guide will remain, especially unresolved, because it does not solve the matter of Serena, because it has not proved procedure cards until this day, and he concludes.


Serena Molikon disappears on June 1, 2001. The morning he departed from the house that morning, after being prepared for his father, the mother’s disappearance live alone. Sorera should go to the Sorera Hospital that is not scheduled for a day for a garden. However, since that moment he will no longer back home. His body will see after two days, and the Bosco de Form Cup left the grass in the grass near the rubbishIn Antarella. Serena is found using pieces and adhesive tape and adhesive tape and a Eurosopin bag. From the day of the body, since the day of the body, 24 years in the faid, continued to be a yellow now, but now remains yellow now.

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