Carney spoke about “a plan with no plan”, then failed to bring about a plan of a project. Meanwhile, Politians put forward a comprehensive schedule of activities

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Sunday, Sunday and Pierre Pierars were handed over to their exciting support near the 30-minute preaching, but they were very different in the Content and Prophet.
Careni, who is selected as a new liberal leader, is short in the real policies because the new liberal leader is given high success in patriotism. Obviously, Karni is easily high in front of the global elegant, but he needs to be more practical politician if expected to be associated with people.
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Polianan had a audience in London, but create accurate details about how to invest in a conservative political speech, a conservative government and axes.
To this day, the media, and carany has been ignored mostly to the real platform. He was more focused on achieving the liberal vote involved in a political one of a politician.
Before raising the dangerous leader, Karni started audiences in the audience, humby, humbies, humid, humbly and humbly, “Breaking our planet and burning”.
“Pierre Pilliers Plan is ready to win us,” envisages Distopean nightmare under the Conservatives, he believes that he believes to attack the enemy.
Too much to unity, humility and endurance.
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In the first main talk of Bombax, the war, the carni would have performed well in the first main speech that was more obedient and more complex and caution. As Carmi talking about unity, he is not a hypocrites, that echoes him before it becomes a man.
In his speech, Karni said he had to undergo major changes in Canada pace. It is a plan of Canada, which is a plan of Canada, which is a plan to put on the pockets of people, planning to build millions of houses and trade corridors with other countries.
The project is involved, and carni did not say. There are no real policies, no real details, there is no concrete instructions. He also planned to reduce carbon tax for imposed capital gain tax, but only them are the details.
No one believes that the carbon tax compartment is not replaced anything else. Carny told it Speaking But a “more effective weather plan” refused to give us the details once more.
In London, Polianian was easily easy for his element in a political rally.
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Like Carney, the US president Donald Trump spoke about the need to repay the Canadians to work together.
But the big difference was in the policy details. The time and time again, a conservative government planned to do what is the government, and how they achieve it.
Carney spoke about “a plan with no plan”, then failed to bring about a plan of a project. Meanwhile, Polives are placed a comprehensive schedule of activities.
Tandish to reduce taxes to a conservative government and businesses; Increase investment to improve productivity in the range of the Uz; Reduce government burealoor in the Troodo Government; The number of ax of ax herms; Cut the GST in new houses. People save $ 50,000; Work with new permits to speed up new permits for houses; Hiring three liberal rules that cause increases in crime, especially bailing; Prohibit severe drugs, stop safe distribution, invest in treatment and recovery programs; Hiring the ban on the liberal gun ban; Pipelines, and make LNG facilities and mines; Stop sending out foreign support to “tyranny and terrorists”, use it for veterans; Make four new icebreakers and a new base to increase the size of the Canadian Rangers to protect the Arctic sovereignty.
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“We will multiply this country again,” Childin will end the chiers at the end of his speech.
“We will be able to cancel the culture of our statues and keep us strong and self-dependent people to the two legs.
“Everyone knows that the world is the best country to see.”
In praising Canada, Careni stopped his speech to praise and to get the “dark days” to united.
“We will go through this crisis together. The reason we can get rid of it, because the Canada is made in the power of its people,” said he was a standard.
“When we are strong, we’re making things that we’re strong enough.”
The two people who believe in this country is patrioted in the country. But the liberal leader and soon to become Prime Minister and stopped by carni platities and stop using the platities and stop using the platities.
Conservative Leader said to the country what he plans to do. Caruni is liable to do that and fast.
National Post
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