Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) A 0.42% In its main indicator, it descended 51 units of 515.168 unitsMatch the rates USA In a session with negative effects on world markets.
Mexican Market is associated with the second fall of the week 2.11% Monday.
Due to the US economy, the major stock market indexes globally, the capital market session closed with the loss of the capital marketing and commercial war, “the financial and economic analysis of the Base Bank indicated, Gabrila Siller.
Analyst said that in the United States was a losing a missing 1.14%; He Nasdak Integrated A fell 0.18% And S & P 500 He got down 0.76%.
In Mexico, Liller has lost the price and quotation index (CPI) “Session 0.42%After falling in a 2.11% In the previous session, from August 30 to deep, 2024 ” 2.17%.
In the inside he said, the loss of stations stood out: Bimbo (-3.77%), Pacific Airport Group (-1.45%), Walmex (-1.02%), Mobile (-0.94%) and Grrup Mexico (-0.86%).
The IPC told the IPC on Tuesday in Enric Karribya on Tuesday to his part of the Actinner Financial Group 0.42% Mexican index on the movement after the movement -1.6%An performance of 2025 has been reduced + 4%.
“Mexican markets deployed their United States with the negative vocation of peers. In this case, 21 of 35 companies closed in negative land”He said he was.
Day, showed a weight 0.5% In the dollars, the ing quote 20.26 units per green ticketAfter beating 20.36 in previous sessionAccording to data from the Mexico coast.
CPI session closed 51 units of 515.168 unitsWith the loss 216.2 points And a negative variation 0.42% In front of the front day.
Volume with negotiations 260 million titles Through a sum 18,313 million Pesos.
Of the 615 quoted by the day, 228 Their price ended, 363 They had lost 24 They are closed without change.
Maritime Transport Group The titles with the highest turning change of TMM (Tmm a), 4.83%; Megazable holdings of telecommunications company (Mega CPO) and 2.6%Industrial group Kuo (Kuo b), 2.35%.
In contrast, the largest down-down variations were the corporate drug marketer (Forgeb), -4.87%Food manufacturers and brandies (Herdis), -4.32%Grarko Bimbo (Bimbo A), -3.77%.