On one side, the proud claim, on the other side. Giergia meloni Presents his first tip Economic maneuver, 35 billion, of which 21 are completely absorbed in contrast to the loving bills. In fact, other activities are emphasized: ranging from cutting wedge to minimum pensions, up to 80%paid leave up to 85 thousand euros for flat tax and VAT matches. He defines this “bold” budget law, “Uncountable” but “politics”, not made for “the purposes of consent,” but “perfect”.

A bet “in the future”

However, he decides to stick the word “vision”: Since there are very few people to retain many promises made in the election campaign, the road is to provide some signals and move real strategic choices for the next few years. “We have done the obligations of the legislature, but – he underlines – I consider the passage in a month in a month’s actions about the steps we want to implement in a month.” In short, now a little more than a few flags.

The decision to postpone the actual reform of citizenship income has announced that it wants to eradicate many times in the recent months. There will be a bridge action this year, however, for those who are determined to occupy, only 8 months will be worth it. The Prime Minister confirms that the postponement of intervention is not connected to the fears of social bombs, and in opposition, in opposition, he says, “they do their work.”

“I see the political forces that they call for the square, but even if you imagine it, the state must handle people between the ages of 18 to 60 years.”

Support families and low income

Beyond the list of activities and numbers, the budget folds must have small ones to try to support families and low incomes. “If we had no problem with the bills, we would have made a more significant intervention” but in any case “the basic choices made in this intrigue were the state for the line and the family”. To cut the line wedge, it states that if the energy chapter is excluded, there is 4 billion “very expensive.” Then there are “three flat lines”, an action targeting the middle class, which is not favorable to the rich and recognizes the sacrifices of the working people “.

The day of the majority of the sloping reconciliation, the day of the work that is done without “selfishness” and “little problems”. In fact, there is still the full game of changes, and just a minute after the introduction of the CDM, Forsa has learned that Italy is ready to “work”. “Clearly – the Prime Minister says – we believe that this action can be improved in parliamentary process. We hope that the attitude is just as responsible for the majority of the majority but with the contribution of the opposition.”

(with the source of askanews)

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