Poodraz Negs, Koh Traggal Empire Danger is charged with a laborer Friday to be the facility of the Mac CookerDen Utility Colonia Bravo D Black stones. The man, realized Roberto ¨n¨Approximately 55 years old, Suffering one Fall out of the 10 meter high When Welding job One of the industrial ships of the company.
The fatal accident occurred around 11:00 hoursWhen Roberto works in a scarfold Installed on the roof of the ship. According to the Witnesses, a The strong wind of the harsh wind surprised, he loses the balance and falls into a vacuum. Due to the death of the influence, when paramedicic is coming, He has not sent signs of important signs.
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The contractor in charge of the project is reportedly reported Emergency number 911. Despite the efforts of the parameters, man He was losing his life when he came to the scene. As soon as it was immediately informed.
Criminal Investigation Agency Staff (AICWent to the place to take Make the knowledge of the facts relevant inquiries. In addition, agents Municipal Police, State Police, Civil Proters, Firefits of Piedras Negers They attended to support the actions. Handed over the dead body after the Forensic Medical Service to perform legal necropsy.
The accident occurred within one of the company’s industrial ships dedicated to the construction of trailers. Worker A Subcontractor external company By utility equalExtension and repair work . State Attorney General An research folder has been opened To determineCauses of accident, it confirms that it is a job event, Rejecting any indication of crime.
(With local media information)