Maemonet to collect 16 new train sets in a full scale of all selected corridors.
The three coaches will add 48 new coaches at the ship at Rs 576 crore in cost Rs 576 crore, Times of India Reported.
The tender is already flootted, stores for storage, staff training, invited Bids for 15 years overall annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual maintenance agreement.
This is a spread to increase the operating time to increase operating times to target operating times to target operating times to target operating hours to target operating hours to target operating hours.
Currently, 23 sets of trains (69 coaches) are in the city and 10 minutes in the city of off-peak tmings. If you have enough rolling stock to accommodate the temperate requirement, the system can run with a frequency of 1.30 minutes.
“Nagpur Metro stations include three coach trains at a time. In addition, the capacity of the role of the 3rd-1-third stage is sufficient. Toi.
The Mametro submitted a detailed project report to the State Government to explain the 300 buses to the urban mobility.
Initial request is 500 buses, but after the Chief Secretary, a new DPR formed a new DPR after the review meeting.
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