Former Banker bitten his three opponents from the first round of the dust. He earned all the segments of the country.
Kristia Frequolah was only 8% of the vote of his closest way.
Other two, Karina Gould and Frank Bailis were 3.2% and 3% votes respectively.
The former governor of the Justee’s bank’s banks and Bank of England was surprised by the Bank of England, and left the gloves quickly in his success.
He attacked Donald Trump to the president of the United States, he attacked the Canadian economy several times.
Americans want to “our dishes, water and region. It will destroy our way.” He condemned the way.

Photo Justin Tung and Canadian Press
Mark Carni
Rikechet wrote the Rikechet to the redentive Chief Pierre Herori Horori Horrei Herori Hairi will be his real opponation in the battlefield.
“Donald Trump thinks” to weaken us and divide the best. Pierrey hairs will be seen to win and wide us, “he explained.
“A person who hates Donald Trump on the altar does not rise to him, and will not rose him,” said carni.
There is such a career politician, I live in front of the free market without signing the payroll of the world.
Mark Carney about Pierre Hareer
Identifies ideological opponents.
Former liberal rivals, among the hard skins, they rally.
“In the way I expected, I accepted it in the way I expected, but the will of the liberals across Canada,” said Kristea Flander in a written declaration.
The Kareena did not want to feel sympathetic to the floor of the room laid out hundreds of activists.
“I am proud of the countryside that I have made. I acted in the list with the Left of the Candidates Broche’s Branchet’s Brichete.
Next steps
Justin Turudo won winning Canada (PLC) leader as leader of the Liberal Party leaderThese Canada’s prime minister.
He will be sworn in with him, with him, with him, Justin Turlad Canada resigns from Canada Governor General.
We hope it will do it at the beginning of the week.
“We want to do this fast,” Outgoing PM said a few days ago about the conversion.
Once, the sacred Prime Minister will announce the training of his cabinet.
Everything indicates that the election is quick to enable the election, that is, especially before there are no current commons.
Behind the scenes, the liberal stratters produce two dates in possession of the ballot: April 28 or May 5.
At that time, Mark Carson will take two gestures, and the sign of “practicality” is often dared to describe itself.

Photo Sean Kilotrick, Canadian Press
Mark Carni shakes the hand of a liberal activity
“My government will delete carbon tax for immediate customers (…) will increase the fare (…),” he said.
Hundreds of Liberal preachers of the Rogers Center in Ottawa, without praising everything, has well received the speech of the new chief speech.
The Liberal Soldiers Multicanside 2024 should not be half-selling as in the final months.
Because from the beginning of the year, the struggle between the years of liberals and conservatives have strengthened.
The advance of twenty points earned stone-hairy soldiers and snowfalls in the sun.
So liberals will not be convicted of opposition benches, but can still contest to form the government.
“The World Looks Canada”
Justin Turudo talks to activists before the announcement of the winner of the winner, before the last time it is bowled out for the last time.
Liberal leader draws a review of his years, but he wanted to cross his looks to the future.
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He stressed that the neighbor neighbor was the “existential challenge” that the neighboring neighbor was not hired by the president in the United States.
“As a Kingdom, we will be diplomatic if we give us … but we will fight,” Outgoing argued.
When the President Donald Trump Shaks his Allies, the results of the next Canadian selection remained next.
“I tell you: Canada looks at the world,” Justin troudu was predicted at the end of his tension.
Ella Grace regularly talked to rare time.
“I can’t wait to see him at home more often than the internet,” she said.
“But I will not change last years for anything. Daddy, I am very proud of you,” I added the woman.
Christians suggest that Canada’s energy export tax is charged

Photo Blair Gable, Roomers
Former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chryyenian
The Customs IS Customs IS by US State of US Government to the United States
If necessary, governments, hurts more, if you can continue together, it is affecting more than, and it affects the Americans, export, potash, steel, aluminum and electricity.
His suggestion was greeted from the audience of the liberal activists collected in Ottawa.
Canadian Press