March 11 – It is better not to work in a land that day

In a new calendar, the congregation celebrates any tomorrow, who believers praying – in the material.

Tomorrow, March 11, in Orthodox calendar Memorial Day of St. Sophronia, the patriarch of Jerusalem. Softonius was born in Palestine and is almost 560 rich Christian family. He can follow his life to seek spiritual progress. He received a classical education, the Greek and Literature, the Greek and Literature and learned about philosophy and theology.

Then, Soforas went to Egypt, where he joined the monastery, prayer and meditation. In the spiritual life, Constantinople traveled to various places of worship in other cities in the Byzantine Empire.

During the reside in Syria, Soft Youiologyian John Damaskkk visited Soforras, and they began to cooperate. John Damaskin is one of the most famous servants of that time, communicating with Sofhan Donas on the subjects of Christian faith.

In 634, in 634, for Jerusalem, the Sophon. His work in this post was a very difficult period of Palestinian because Jerusalem was captured by the Khalifa Omar’s Arab army. Softoniius witnessed the main incident, legend, he met the city Arab Calif in the city, and it tries to accept the city.

After capturing Jerusalem, Sophonsonus Arabies continued to the police, defend the rights of Christians and kept peace in a difficult time. He was one of the best Christian teachers who are known for profound. St. Soophnonnios died in 638. His holiness and wisdom are important to Christians until this day.

Signs on March 11

Folk marks March 11 / photo: the void

  • The sun shines, the sky is clear, spring will be warm and dry.
  • It was believed that the snow or rainy, spring will be a lot of snow.
  • This indicates that the sky will be tightly in the clouds, the spring will be cool and lasting.

Can’t do tomorrow

In some Ukrainian areas, on March 11, it was impossible to start hard work on the earth, including a ploweward or planting. This is due to the festival and song during the day when the festival and the song is resting.

What can you do tomorrow

Since St. Soopronony Day is celebrated, subject to prayer and spiritual cleansing in honor of saints, in honor of saints, in honor of saints. People often visit the congregation asking their work to their work.

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