“I will continue to work at home at 11am (in the morning (in the case). In the morning (at work), I will look like it before I came before me,” he said.
When the investigation progresses, Messeline received a call call in April 2023, was arrested by Mahlanguu. Mahlungu admitted that his own death would be fake.
Soon, another official from the Soshenguway station called the Docket and sought information about a subsequent murder investigation. Three policemen realized that the three policemen was investigating a case from different angles.
Messeline said that he was lost in learning in words to help someone help someone to help someone. I helped all the documents required to claim the insurance money closed in three traffic.
I was shocked to be shocked to such a young woman to engage in such a situation … her child was killing. She often called me to ask about updates and she told me that after the funeral that she was working to Mumunamalam. “The Mahlunkunk murder case helped to grow an investigator.
“This is the first time for the excess of human debris. I was always looking for murders, but I was never expelling a body.” His first insurance murder case was.
He also noticed that do not judge people based on the first impression. “First, Lerato seemed like the real person. When the investigation was in progress, the truth was relieved.
I always wanted to be a police officer when I was a child. I knew. “Lt Marypa Moreelanthe Mezeline Boss said:
“We appreciate the infinite attempts and hard work of Messeline, he looked at the case. In this case, Messeline did very good, and this case was a learning curve.”
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