Lucas Ranchel fans attacked Grandmother’s room in hospital: “I broke!”

Influence Lucas Rangle (14) led to a great nightmare (14) when visiting a hospital staff completely when visiting a hospital. The influence of shocking episode is still used by his social networks.

With his grandmother, he was in Hishald Room, the influence of strong medicines, the door was immediately opened his name.

The influence of perfection is described: “I went to see my grandmother, and I went to see her, medicines, a picture, and they didn’t play!”

Luucas and Lucas were the saddle and anger that felt in Sungles and Lucas to hide tears? “Don’t the feeling of happening there doesn’t any longer understand?”

Inferencer is classified unacceptable, he was never aggressive. “I have never seen this attack level I haven’t seen in my life, I was very violated,” very violated. ”

Lucas said he would expect employees in the hallway and take a delicate moment. However, their behavior was extreme inappropriate.

“Here is my warning, appealed to the sick and family in these environments, empathy with empathy,” he wrote and calls situations like this!

What is the lack of understanding? What do you think about this attitude?

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