Look for the missing, traffic, train cuts

Spain continues on Wednesday that the passage of Boraska Lawrence passes through Peninsula.

The emergency tool that is looking for someone who is dragged and dragged and dragged and dragged and dragged a missing person and restarted the search work before 8.00 am.

Three fire units in the province of Sevilla participation in the province, in addition to other civil gardens agents and some volunteers, the opera sources said. The Civil Gard (JIAS) operates in group Sevillaian municipality, strong flow, water richness and water agitation.

Even the work is complicated even because the work is going to be handed up under the hole. When the body of the vehicle, the body of the vehicle was dragged with her husband, the car was found at a distance of 400 meters located. Those responsible for search operation will decide according to the dawn that it expands the distance of the missing man to find the missing man.

In the Constantine area (Sevilla) is looking for the body (Sevilla). The body is waiting for the judge’s stir, the woman of the wedding is waiting for the setback.EFE / ROBERTO RUIZ

For more than a day

After the release of the cutting since the last Monday, the AP-4 highway (Sevilla-C disables) was repeated and said the traffic was restored, and the General of Traffic (DGT) sources said.

PM A km of San Juan (Sevilla) heads of km M.

This root dose of these root dose hememons and Sanjuwannan, Sanjuwan heads, enabled, a path enabled.

Until last night last night, the total roads in Sevilla’s province, most of them have opened the entire road network without problems.

The two sisters and the DGT helicios have been impossible to be impossible to the AP4, Los Palakios and Villasios.EFE / DGT

What roads are cut in Spain?: There are more than 40

44 roads cut 44 roads with heavy rain and snowfall

The largest road problems of the rain is recorded in Andalumia, where 21 secondary routes will be on 21 secondary routes: in nine cádiz; In eight sexes; In two Cordoba; One is in the Malaga and one.

In addition, terrorist has nine roads, which of them will be eight buddoogs and cakes. Traffick is closed with four roads while in Murcia. They add three roads paid to the valencia and one madrid. On the other hand, the snow keeps two ways in Granada, one of the other two people in Nice, one of the Salamanga.

Events in the railway network

The ruins of Boraska Lorens affects rail chain, and interfere with the circulation of several lines. Thus, the transport between the Don Benito on the Merida-Peurpool or line was exhausted; With the accumulating of the water body, Monto and Villa Dell Rio, along the Kotoba-Jane / Linars-Beyiresh route, because of the accumulation of the water.

There are no trains between trains between the trains between the trains between the various parts of a commodity train.

In addition, the origin trains of Malga Mariva Sambhrey, the Registration delay is a delay,

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