We have 80 percent of people in hand whether we are suitable for an increase age. Sports scientist Michael Desigel reveals important – why we should love each other often.
If you want to be young and fit, you have it in your hands. The doctor explains that “80 percent of people are quality and the level of leadership.” Doctor Michael Despekel. Sports scientist and health expert with Professor Doctor. Carston Crucher “The Bioj Challenge: You decide for yourself your age!” (Q) released. In the interview, he reveals how he cuts himself in the “biosage” test, and how sex, toothpick and friends contribute to reduce biological age.
His new book is related to the “The Biosage Challenge” biological age. Do you reveal how this differs from your calendar age?
Biological age shows how healthy and healthy the body is from the date of birth. The best case of ten years of the calendar age?
Reven: Ten to twelve years is possible. It depends on the age you are testing because the years of life are playing. The biological age can be up to twelve years than the calendar. The problem is that this is also the case with many people, with the effects of far away: 40 percent less cancer and 50 percent less cardiovascular diseases are possible in Germany.
This can be achieved if more people meet the basics: it is about keeping body weight, compensating the lack of exercise, not smoking and focusing on the amount and quality of the diet. Even 30 percent did not do it.
In the meantime, there are experts who deal with the age of 100 or 110 with progressive methods such as cell structural changes, oxygen tents or blood therapies. However, in my view, it makes sense to think about something like this when basic homework is done.
Biological age depends on genetic equipment and what percentage determines the lifestyle?
Desagge: Genetic prognosis does not even make 20 percent. 80 percent of people are quality and lifestyle guidance. This is a very important feature that helps everyone change something at any time.
It is not only improving the size of life, but above all. For people aged 70 or 80, this means, for example, mobile and physical health can only be implemented in everyday life. If you can get yourself alone, you are only “fun”. When the lifestyle is optimal, the possibilities for this are dramatic.
Your book has a test that can determine the biological age. In it you are asking questions about the use of sex topics and dental float. Do these parts can extend life?
Reven: Completed sex life has a positive effect on the immune system. Because it benefits from everything that is happy and satisfied with you, and the endorphins and “binding hormone” are released.
The immune system is very important in terms of tumor diseases. It increases, recognizes and destroys toxic cells, which forms for the toxic cells every day. So sex is a great way to train the immune system.
If the permanent inflammation of the oral cavity, the risk of stroke will increase by four times. Type 2 rises eight times the risk of diabetes. This can be prevented by using toothpick each day or the better the best interstendal brushes.
Another important thing to be appropriate is nutrition. What should be considered here?
Reven: It is about low -finged diet, in addition, sugar does not irritate the metabolism. To get this, it is important to have spaces when eating on the one hand. I suggest that Faster As much as possible between meals.
Another important thing is to consider macronutrons: carbohydrates, protein and fat. After all, protein is an important parameter: if you are under 50, you should consume 1.2 grams of protein at 1.2 grams of protein per kg per day. It may be in the form of dairy products, but pulses, whole grains and fish and meat offer protein.
In addition, like whole grain products, you need to rely on complex carbohydrates that are not immediately processed. Omega plays an important role in fats, which will reduce inflammatory processes.
Acute lentils, hazelnut, almonds, flax seed oil, rapseed oil, olive oil or salmon are a good choice here. You should eat 120 grams of fruit and 500 grams of vegetables a day.
It is not easy to implement. You need to handle the topic and create the structure of how to implement it in everyday life. But it certainly works.
The same applies to the game. They provide tips and exercises for strength, tolerance and movement. Are movement exercises most ignored in the classic game program?
Reven: You can say that. If you are working on a device on a gym, the movement is not taken into account in a game medical point of view. However, it can be trained, for example, balanced, standing on one leg or touching the ground at your fingertips.
How low sleep and too much stress affect our old age?
Reven: The immune system recovers at night and stress hormones are reduced by sleep. Sympathetic nervous-our power nerve, which makes us active and transformed-decreases in the night. Vegus nerve that ensures quiet and relaxation, then regeneration -promotes hormones with it.
This regeneration process is important for the cells, brain and souls that require about eight hours of rotation. If this time in the body is not permanent, the immune system is very dangerous and cannot function efficiently. Good news: For example, bad nights can be compensated for more sleep on weekends.
It is important to loosen the sleepThere is no blue light to expose you from two to three hours to go to bed. Must be without smartphones, computers, tablets and television. A full stomach is a barrier in extreme sports and in the evening. The bedroom should be dark and its temperature should be 18 degrees. The next day you should not face the alarm clock in the morning and do no plans.
In your book you are talking about the importance of social contacts to be young and relevant.
Reven: This is an important feature. Binding hormone oxidasin plays a role here. Relationships with others Create a shelter feeling that is considered relaxed and protective. Safety and relaxation support the immune system.
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