Live | In Ishil ‘Traped’ Traped ‘Trapped’ Trapped ‘Trapped’ Traped ‘Trapped’ Traped ‘Traped’ Traped ‘Traped’, live | Science

In the first hours of Tuesday – 6:06, Spanish Peninsular Time – Mission Crew-9 He left the international space stance (issue of). In short 8 days, two NASA GOCHOKS WILL BEGIN AT THE STATE ONE 9-month station. The last point of that Odyssey is already a day: Today, if time is resolved in the Atlantic Ocean, the time is resolved, aerotical maneuvers.

With them, American Nick Hague, Russian Cosmot Alexander Gorbnov returns. On 30 September, the same space capsule was set out in September 30 on the same spacecraft in the same space capsule – a dragon ship of space X – their side carried two blank seats. Is it two turns? Crew-9 Williams and Wilmore have been reserved around the world as astronauts Trapped In space. The ship came to the ship – Boeing company and decided to return to the Starelor – Propulsion and Propulsion.

Hague and Gorbenov’s issue is concluded in the Issu of the Issue of Hague and Gorbinov Crew -10Last Sunday, the station came to the station. Returning schemes forwarded and responsibilities before starting it before starting.

This Tuesday morning was the first Dragon Capsule in Williams, Wilmore, Hague and Gorbinov – it is coincidentically carried FreedomFreedom in English – ready to pay hatch separated from the orbit international laboratory. They did it 4:26. After almost three hours of checks, they were determined among them. Without a series of autonomy, there will be a series of soft lit engags – no intervention of astronauts – the land around the astronaut and 27,600 km / h.

From there, only, from there, the ship will begin to rise to the more low orbit. This step lasts about 16 hours. Depending on the weather conditions of the destination, about 22:11 – the engine of Dragon Capsule’s engine of the dragon capsule of the Dragon Capsule, it should be placed on the way to the atmosphere. This is the most delicate part of this flight. Again, override the engines and finally break the capsule until the parchuvalal atlantic.

The shocking of Florida (USA) coast will be scheduled at 22:57. The capsule will float until a ship later takes a ship later. If everything is going well, Crew-9The creeve of the space station has become a regular mission to replace. But Suni Williams and Wilgore It turned out into the way out Kulabson The place where the last summer was not wanted. After making a number of swim, NASA and NASA took more than two months to decide not to return to its Boeing Starelor ship, but in a space dragon; The Ish Ish Crew has to make a hole in the rotation of the members. Today, Williams and Wellmore and Sena Cardman are also all of Stephanie Wilson, and they were going to be the commander and specialist Crew-9: The two astronauts who were trapped in the Earth were trapped on earth.

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