Liberals choose their leader today after the defined by the Trump administration

Today the Liberal Party is its next leader and the person who is the most prominent, the person who is the prime turmoil and the next ally job of the country.

The party’s choice – After the Governor General is sworn in the Prime Minister – the Prime Minister is not only a new chapter of liberals but the imminent beginning of a federal election.

The CBC News will bring the special coverage of the historical occupation that starts at 4 pm.

Former Central Banker Mark Carni, Former Finance Minister, Present MP Chistiya Freeland, Present MP Kareena Gould and Montreal Business Leader and former MP Frank Bailis.

The Prime Minister Justin Troodo Justin Turudo was announced since his purpose, and from the resignation of his purpose, it was relatively short-leading.

At that time, the party was on the deep polling downdrop, the Conservatives of Pierre Pierre. Recent polling Indicates that liberals rise again. Someone will be stressed to keep that speed.

Carina Gould Leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, Frank Bailes, Kristia Freylander and Mark Caranya are greeting the carnie last month. (Crustiner Maschi / Canadian Press)

The campaign saw that the campaign was made to treat the housing crisis and how to afford the Canadians.

But household problems were very tolerant that President Donald Trump Demos posts. The race is mainly shows the best to deal with the fall of his tariffs and threats.

After two months of propaganda and both debates, the decision is now in the hands of thousands registered. Eligible voters have been placed in a week to take ballots within a week and 3 loud ° to achieve their vote

Will party votes increase?

The most money thrown out of the most cockters is the highest money and the front runn is the main objective of the fact that the first-runners of the four-campaigns will play a role tonight.

Liberals use a rank ballot and a point system to determine the winner. Each flash (343), because 343 after border changes, because 34,300 points are holding 34,300 points. Depending on the percentage of the votes available in each ride, candidates are assigned.

The leader should win the majority of total points. Magic number is 17,151.

Prime Minister Justin Turudo Stage of Antreesermitism, 2025, 2025 Thursday continuing briefly in Ottawa.
The transformational timeline to replace the Prime Minister Justin Tudo is still unclear, but he will continue to be the best job in the country on Sunday. (Adrian Wide / Canadian Press)

The party members can choose to four leaders for the leaders, first from first to the last is ranked.

If a candidate does not reach 17,151 in the first round, eliminates the person with fewer points and reinstalling the ballots. If so, recurve points based on the second choices of members.

The process will continue until a winner is emerging.

Whether they want to wait or wait for a selection on March 24 are one of the first questions for the victor.

Ottawa, Tudo and former Prime Minister Jean Krishnan showing the event of Sunday to talk to the crowd.

Sudue said that a few days ago, the convert of his descendants will be converted to the coming days or week.

Liberal Party Limited voting voting voting voting and foreign intervention worries to Canadians and Permanent Residents.

Registered Liberals to vote for this race need to get an electronic voter id, and then check that ID online. They need to confirm their status as a qualified voter. After that, Canada Post Identity + app or participating post office, they had to confirm their identity.

By provoking that system, when complaining of members complain, when members complain, especially when you come to the mobile app to check their identity and in-personal.

The party said that the safest and accessible voting process in Canadian history is the “liberal leadership system”.

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