
A court in Argentina abandoned criminal negligence in three of the five accused in connection with the death of former One Direction singer Liam Payn, who fell from the third -storey hotel balcony in Buenus Aires last October, and in October, Bunus Aners fell into Bunus Aers.

Reducing the allegations against three major defendants of the ruling: US citizenship, Argentine businessman Rojelio Norres, visited Payn during his journey at Buenus Aires; Gilda Martin, manager of the Kasasur Hotel in the trendy neighborhood of Palermo, who died on Oct. 16; And the main receptionist of the hotel is Estepan Crazy.

The indifferent assassination charge has been sentenced to one to five years in prison in Argentina.

At the conclusion of Wednesday, the Argentine Federal Court ordered the two other defendants to be detained in the case. They sued the British pop star for drug addiction.

Watch | 911 calling the hotel employee shortly before the singer falls from the balcony:

911 calls about Liam Pain’s death as fans pay tribute

Former One Direction Singer Liam Pynus has released new details on the death of Airseth, including the record of the 911 invitation made by the third -storey hotel balcony. The autopsy results confirm that Payne died of that fall.

The toxic report taken after the autopsy revealed that the 31 -year -old Payne had fell from the balcony to have alcohol, cocaine and a drug in his structure.

The lawyers argued, Norres failed to comply with his care duties, leaving Pain alone and leaving. The court was supportive of security lawyers and argued that he had no legal, moral or social duty to maintain Payne. He was outside the hotel when he died of his friend.

Two hotel staff, Martin and Grazi, were in the Kasasur Hotel Labi on Oct. 16, saw Payne hard, and decided to take him to his room with the help of others, and the investigators decided.

Watch | The band, the fans remember Liam Payn:

One Direction Bandmates, Fans are grieved by leaving Liam Pain

One Funeral Singer Liam Payne held a funeral on Wednesday in the UK’s Arsham, 31 -year -old, a 31 -year -old hotel’s balcony in Argentina. Although some fans recall outside the church, who attended the monument, some fans were disappointed in his hometown of Walverhamton.

Prosecutors said Payne had to stay away from his hotel room, where there was a clear risk on a balcony, until the right medical service was received. On Wednesday the court ruled that prosecutors failed to prove how to take Payne to his hotel room “illegal, uncontrollable, irresponsible, irresponsible or indifferent.”

The court also ordered the other two defendants in this case – Brahian Pais, a former employee of Payne, a former employee David Perera, a former employee of the Kasasur Hotel and a high -level Bhuvenus Aires restaurant – would lead to his death in the days of drugs, even hours.

The court said the detention was fair because they were sentenced to four to 15 years in prison.

Painn’s sudden death Attracted the expression of sorrow all over the world From one direction of the one direction, the boy’s bands are all selling all the time.


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