At this time, it is known that two federal corporations will make local elections to select about 1,400 posts. States Durango and Varakruz will be the states with their elections.

Durango and Varakrus; States that conduct local elections


State elections Turano This will be carried out Sunday June 1, 2025According to the federal election calendar and in them 39 municipalities of the company.

On the other hand, nine political parties will participate in the elections; Six people are the national registry competitions and the rest, which will be local games.

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Overall, the company will vote to occupy 404 posts, of which 39 municipal presidents, 39 trade unions and 326 regituriaas are separate.

Elections are normal and will be held on Sunday as usual; The winner of the municipal competition will hold this post for three years.

Photo: ie Sivaa


Similarly, the Varagruz coastal state will have its state elections on Sunday, June 1; In them, I know Municipalities of 212 municipalities of the company will be renewed.

Also, they will be carried out 212 Syndicate and 630 Regiturius; Adds a total of 1,54 fees.

The parties participating in Vergraus’s election competition will be six in the National Registry Bri, Pan, BT, PVEM, Morna and Citizens Movement.

In addition to the two states, they will vote for 1,458 positions, additional ministers, judges and judges Supreme Court of Nation (SCJN) The judiciary refers to the election 2025.


On the other hand, the Abnormal state elections In the state of Siva, these positions will be renewed on June 1, and the popular elections will be renewed:

  • Supreme elections of the state of Siva. Choosing for a occasion for a period of eight years until the end of August 31, 2033 There is no chance of re -selected.
  • Will be selected for five Judges of State Judicial Discipline for eight years without re -elected possible.
  • 270 judges will be selected for eight years There is no chance of re -selected.

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