Lawyer Rodrigo Badaro is considered the CNJ Council

Lawyer Rodrigo Badarar Almida D Castro bought Tuesday (11) New Adviser to the National Council of Justice. Badar is a vacancy of CNJil Louis Fernando Bandarano Bandarano Bandharano Bandhando Bandhaza Bandhananda Bandhananda Bandhando Bandhando Bandhando Bandanganda Bandamandha Bandarano. In 2025/2027 he will meet a word in Binea.

The Council’s inauguration of Badra was held at the Pleenery of CunJ, Supreme Federal Court (STF), Minister Louce Roberton Baroos. President of the Supreme Court (TST) President (CSJT) (CSJT) (CSJT) (CSJT).

“I am proud to have this opportunity to satisfy the Federal Senate and in favor of our country of birth.

In his speech, Badar spoke respect and responsibility to take the counselor of CNJ. “The responsibility is very respectful. Since I realize that in a constant study, I understand that I am constantly learning about.” He said.

Minister Barooso says he wishes benefits as a counselor from the arrival of CNJ. Rodrigo Badaya is a lawyer in different areas, especially a thousand reasons. We are safe to benefit the National Council from integrity and quality of the work provided by the Rodrigo Badr. We are happy with this appointment, “he said.


Badar is the coordinator of the National Cubd / APD’s Committee (CNPD / APD), National Cuber Seerscurity, Artistic Inteals and Observation Observance (CFOAB). The current Deputy General of National OAB is the Ombudsman.

The lawyer actress is more than one thousand reasons in many areas. He graduated in Law Milton Campos (FDMC / MG) has a special education from the Brazilian Institute of Public law (FGV) from the Brazilian Institute of Public Law. Badar was borne by the National Council of Public Prosecution Service (CNMP), between 2022 and 2024.

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