After the changes in the public media in December 2023, the National Broadcasting Council decided to shut down the subscription fund, and then began to transfer them to court deposits. Subsequently, the courts were paid only by the complicated appeal procedure in the courts.

The council changed politics during the fall in the fall of 2024. Then the subscription began to reach everyone. On the last day of September 2024, Girrid divided the forecast PLN 605 million from subscription. 51 percent of Poland TV must be obtained from this amount, and 24.5 percent is Polish radio and public regional centers. It is PLN 316.2 million and PLN 151.9 million.

In recent months, KRIT has accepted all public media companies’ plans and financial plans. This is the basis for the payment of the RTV subscription. Due to uncertainty, the Controller does not accept new duty plans, which is why companies must act on the basis of documents for 2020-2024.

Professor. Kovovsky criticizes the decision of other members of the National Broadcasting Council

Girrith said on Wednesday that a resolution was accepted in determining the reporting rules of the Public Radio and TV units, the National Broadcasting Council No. 260/2024, September 30, 2024, was funded for public work.

The National Council forced information on spending funds from subscription fees by 2025, which must be transferred to the 5th day of the next month of revenue to submit information. – explained the controller.

Professor. In an interview with WirtualNemedia.PL, Kovalski says that the council has no legal basis to determine such conditions. Even if the public media has received the first installment of subscription funds but fails to submit reports in the following quarter, Grid can refuse to transfer money from the RTV subscription.

According to a member of the National Broadcasting Council, this further “prevents life to the public media.” From the end of the autumn to transfer funds to all companies, they do not have to transfer the reports to the controller. However, the registration of statements has been included in the end of the separation of funds from the end of September. It has already happened after the professor’s opposition. Kovovsky.

– Reporting the duties of public broadcasters about revenues from subscription refers to the art. 31b1 and art. Broadcast and TV Act and Art 31 C2. These are the only legal criteria that the National Broadcasting Council can use in this area – a member of the National Broadcasting Council states in his position.

“This law refers to the duty of submitting until April 30 of the given calendar year, which is not quarterly reports that the previous calendar year for implementing a public task.” Professor. Kovovsky says their introduction is additional costs and duties for public media companies.

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