Karachi -Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said that the changes in the Karachi -global level have been impact on all sectors, as a result, the role of maritime security has increased in this era of globalization.

“Along with natural resources, the Minister said at the inauguration of the” Aman conversation “organized by the Pakistani Navy here,” the minister said.

He said that the era of globalization, rapidly growing technologies, changing global power structures, and threats from NGOs are all sitting together, discussing the challenges and learning each other and taught each other.

Especially after 9/11, developing maritime threats, threats that are global common, theft, theft, national crimes and cyber war, are living in conjunction with climate degradation and climate change impacts.

The Defense Minister added that these challenges do not recognize any borders and do not respect sovereignty, and they are demanding an integrated understanding and integrated response.

Welcome to the participants, Admiral Naveed Ashraf, the leader of the naval staff, said that there would be an opportunity to benefit from each other through a conversation with Aman’s conversation to improve the maritime and the blue economy. Admiral Naveed Ashraf said this year’s Aman-Daulok theme reveals our view to the Indian Ocean Region.

We imagined this water not in a platform, but a common place for cooperation, the leader of the naval staff said, “We believe that there is no country that can deal with the size and diversity of growing threats and challenges. Therefore, joint maritime security has become a mandatory for economic activities and for many and different shareholders, especially in regions like us, Joint Maritime Security has become a mandatory, Admiral Naveed Ashraf said.

Speaking at the event, Senator Mushaid Hussein Syyan also spoke, and that 80 percent of trade is being carried out by sea routes and promoting regional connection is very important for economic growth.

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