The media report said the EU said that the European Union has been sanctioned more than 70 individuals and organizations against the reign of the regime against the reign of Belarus.
This move is another stage of the EU response to oppression activities of Minsky. In May, the Belarusian government forced a Rayanair flight to mince the Belarusian government for flying from a blogger Roman Protasuich to Lithuania. Bloeomburg.
The EU allowed 88, including seven Balaner entities, including Alexander Lukeacaccho. The European Union members first agreed to ban the Belarusian aircraft from the European Air Force.
Read thisEuropean Parliament is called to face sanctions against BelarusThe new steps will be thrown into the list in the list, and the list will be put in the list, and this was extended to the arrest in response to the arrest.
The list is included in the list of protests, government and legislators, government and legislators and regime related officials and business executives.
The government of Luukasinko’s government includes a handful of companies and shipments. Suppression of civil society.
The member countries have yet to be taken before executing specific actions.
European diseases include the European Union Travel Bance and Asset Free.
The more targeted economic sanction continues to be the technical work. A officer like potash is likely to include territories such as potash and told Bloomberg last month.
Read thisLukaseno is from Ukraine Belarus of Ukraine SovietThe main exports are the main export of potash on Belarus – the European demand plays a lot of minorization.