Jose’s father falls in court of using drug drugs, misuse claims

During the missing her daughter, the Joslin Smith’s Jose Imk was dismissed in court twice. His collapse came to a testimony from a testimony from a testimony from a testimony of a social worker who was misused and physically abused by Kelly Smith.

Now in its second week, Kelly and two Baavin, boyfriend Jacquin “Bavali”, friend Sinuano Van Rain and the Trial will cross the allegations.

Joslin at her house in the Midlepos informal settlement of Diaveswill on February 19, 1924.

Joslin father at least the fire in court

The father of Joslin Smith’s father of Joslin Smith’s father of Joslin Smith’s father Joslin Smith’s father Joslin Smith’s father Joslin Smith Father Apasmaram twice, the members of the Community helped back up the members of the community.

He was carried out from the court that day.

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At that time, Silisave Mabambo, known as Super Social Worker Cilica, is known as the Social Development Department of Chances.

High Court on Saldanha Bay Multi Purpose Center, said, “Purchasing a son” a drug prompted. Last year, the fourth Back conceived in police custody – was alleged that he was later received a protection order against him.

Joslin Smith’s Biological Father Kelly Smith and Spouse are responsible for her disappearance.
Images YouTube Screenshot: End

Last year, Jose’s mother loretta said, said Cape Argus When Joslin was missing, her son’s health worried when she became worse.

She said: “My son told me that his epileps were deteriorated. I’m trying to be strong.”

Grandnirs added that their family was hoping that Joslin has alive.

She added: “We hope Joslin finds. I believe she was still alive. I would have been happy to pay her body.

“We’d like to tell us where the child should tell you” Kelly and others and the truth. “

‘Gritty mother’ speaks’

Meanwhile, Joslin Smith’s “Mom,” Natasha Andrews testified in court. Natasha took a long-term juica friend to Kelly.

Kelly and Jose had plugged to accept child joslin in 2018, but was rejected. However, she continued shelter, family, their family, weary and food.

She said in the testimony: “Sometimes Joslin will come for a weekend, and sometimes she stayed longer.

“In December 2023, in December 2023, 2024 January holidays, Joslin stayed with me. I didn’t visit her home before school started.

Natasha described how Kelly Josl was gone to rehabilitation and abused women.

On a Tickko video posted last year, an emotional Natasha said: “I didn’t have any one here. People should have been aware of … she had been loved her, she loved us.

“We were there and did all that we can there. She was like another child in our home.”

Do you think Joslin Smith’s mother behind her disappearance is behind?

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