Italy 5th Fifty Trees make a ‘Democratic’s’ in Europe, the report says European Union

The government of Italy, which is legalism with changes in the judiciary, weakened the legal law.

The civil liberties Union (libertifies) for Europe is one of the five people, Bulgaria, Romania, Romania and Slovakia.

In it HungaryResearchers, considered a “substantial regress” in 2024. After the start of Hungary’s sovereign office, pressure in public life.

The democracy of the democracy in Europe is combined with the statement of 2024. The reports of the patronage before the publication, reducing political manipulation, vulnerable legislation, journalists and repetitions in peaceful protests. Dangerous the European Union more and more democratic erosion without decisive steps, “Report – 21 European Union Civil States – concluded.

Eg. Independence showed six reports of the NGO of the NGO of the NGO, an illegal victor Kazayi. “All the basic aspects of the laws have faced more severe problems for the past few years,” he added, “he added, and” frustrating “.

“The worst of the territories was” “Kazai said Kazai said Kazai said Kazayi said.

In it ItalyResearchers raised how much suggestions to give the “open-end powerus” of the “open-end powerus” above the judiciary. Italian conformations, the “anti-fascist manifesto” is flagged in the “chief of speech ‘and the head of the host’ Chief of Speech.”

In it BulgariaAccording to the report, however, anti-corruption program started anti-corruption programs against major political opponents of the state. In it SlovakiaThe red flags have been raised about several changes to the government of the Central Projecter’s Office A “Russia-style” foreign agents bill If the country gets more than 5,000 from outside the country, the “Foreign University Organization can bear the” foreign-backed organization.

In it CroatiaThe integrity of the Justice method is damaged by the State of Ivan Turabo’s State Autom’s General of Ivan Turouthi (HSZ) Party (HSZ) Party (HSZ) Party (HSZ) The European Public Prosecutor’s office is “Complained of Croatia’s systemic challenges by holding up the rule”After challenging the condition of the EPPO to consider the case of the European Union budget, the penny office appears after the challenging case of decision to consider the case of the case.

In it RomaniaWhen the recently, the President’s President election will be the freedom of public service TV and radio, a bill is merged in Parliament in Parliament.

In northwestern Europe, the authors warned the “Roll-Model Democrats”, including French and Germany.

In it FranceResearchers were warned about increasing freedom of expression without decisions without a vote without decisions.

In it GermanyResearchers praised strong laws designed to face “revolving doors” and the sector officials were recently controlled. But they raised concerns about the Palestine, and denied access to the country to speak favorable velocities in such an incident. Police last April Police Close what three days of Valestinian conference in BerlinFear of fear and fear that an anti-semitic views.

PolandIt was called a caution testing to attack independent institutions. Donal freedom, which led to judicial freedom, but in the evener embodied with the former Territory to restore media plowework and compatible with the Androage Dida, as well as compatible with unpromising compromises. Poland specifies the freedom of compromising freedom.

The NGO is troubled the European Commission as the monitor of the European Union funds, as well as accelerated by legal steps to violations of the law.

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