
Iran is ranked 5th in the field of artificial intelligence

At the National Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Intelligence, in collaboration with the Digital Research and Technology Fund, the Vice President of the Science Fund and National Library Conference Hall. “The importance of the exchange of experience and the exchange of knowledge, the problem of knowledge, the problem of Sinhergi is very important,” said the leader of the Innovation Fund. As friends noted, as part of the issue, how to merge, talk to each other, talk to each other, be aware of each other’s actions and actions. Helps.

“We all have common concerns. We have reached a certain point in this area,” he said. If we join hands and think about this problem, good things will happen in the artificial intelligence industry.

“You all know this problem,” the tailors said. This is, of course, the economy of the countries and the power of their national currency. But my goal was to not be disappointed. Yes, governments in the field of artificial intelligence are making huge investments, but Windows are also opportunities for developing countries. These opportunities may be three months, but these numbers should not deceive us. The obvious example is the tipsic, which, with low investment, showed that big things happen.

“Therefore, the role of governments is very important in investing and regulating,” he said. When we talk about the government, the role of sovereignty in the development of technology, especially in the field of regulatory, is very important. The government plays both supported and defined role in the artificial intelligence industry. Also, in some cases, the role of data management is very important. The activities in the field of artificial intelligence should be considered in our country.

“We have four major axes in supporting artificial intelligence: the power of infrastructure, networking, commercialization and the empowerment of human capital,” the tailors said. The infrastructure is one of the most important areas and the role of governments in this field is bold. However, we hope that the private sector and industry will create infrastructure very quickly if they enter this area. Networking is a topic that my friends have spoken extensively. The role of commercialization and innovation funds is the most important, they must be played properly. Finally, improving human capital is one of the main pillars of technological development, and it can be exploited in the field of artificial intelligence.

“There are many skills in our country that can push us forward in the artificial intelligence industry,” he said. For example, a friend of mine, who is active in this environmental system, has prepared reports of countries in the field of human resources in the field of artificial intelligence. In this ranking, Iran was seventh. It refers to our high potential in the field of artificial intelligence.

If we provide examples of these four principles, if we can do a balance between these four principles and privileges, we may advance in the field of artificial intelligence. Excessive attention in one of these principles does not lead us to the goal or slow down the speed of progress. For example, it seems that our country is high in infrastructure. Although infrastructure is an important element, it is not everything. The development of artificial intelligence is not limited to infrastructure. We also need to focus on research, human resources, use and commercialization.

“My main focus today is applicable today,” said the President of the Innovation Fund. All these problems and indicators can be seen. I made two comparisons between the approaches in our country and the common approaches in the world in the field of artificial intelligence.

“If I see Iran’s approaches in the public sector and corporate sector, we will see the key importance to the price and expensive equipment and infrastructure,” he said. We still say that we should go to buy GPs or import specific equipment, not knowing what they will use. Large infrastructure and operator programs are considered a serious approach, while there are unknown and ambitious expectations in the country regarding the development of artificial intelligence. These expectations should be more clear and realistic so that the development of artificial intelligence can be improved properly.

The tailors said: It was said that the development of artificial intelligence could not simply develop the government. The development of knowledge -based companies is also our past, which has been the main motivation of technological development from the first year of the Knowledge -based Corporation Protection Act. In my opinion, the development of artificial intelligence is only possible by the private sector. One of our serious problems is the lack of focus on the infrastructure and applications of artificial intelligence at the business level. We have not yet paid attention to the companies and equipment of artificial intelligence technology.

“On the other hand, the approach of advanced countries is based on the use of artificial intelligence skills in productivity and large industries,” the head of the Innovation Fund said. The key words you see in this field shows that the current attitude of the countries is more likely to be used. When it comes to AI in the industry, the main focus is on implementation. We need to plan finance and professionally and implement these projects. There are many examples of how a great industry, along with an experienced digital company, could solve industrial problems. For example, the cooperation of the GE and Microsoft who created a site for industrial data analysis and IPM cooperation or IPM cooperation or an industrial issue to improve the performance on an industrial issue.

“We hope that large businesses should go to the knowledge -based companies and artificial intelligence enthusiasts to solve their problems and move the intelligence process,” he said. Technology companies are expected to play this role. The technical development phase will end in a company based on knowledge, and the industry cannot wait until it is operated. Fortunately, we have good skills in our country, and we have skilled companies with financial and special human resources capable of supporting such projects. However, due to the high cost of human resources in knowledge -based companies, some companies cannot easily contract with large businesses. Companies with more experience and experience can naturally play this role and lead to large industrial projects.

He emphasized: The direct cooperation of large digital companies is needed to repair large industries such as automatic, mining, steel and air. Those who work in small organizations or universities and rely on their skills may not be able to contract with large industrial companies. In the short term, at least 1 to 2 knowledge -based companies can work on industrial smartphones. The need to create 1 or 2 large digital companies is thus used to use the chain capacity to implement large industrial contracts and smarts.

The tailors noted that “our attitude to the innovation fund is to support cooperation between intellectuals and large industrial companies.” Since we have prioritized the use of artificial intelligence, we are aimed at supporting the cooperation of these two sectors so that we can achieve stable and effective growth in the artificial intelligence industry.

“Our federation currently includes about 5 knowledge -based companies, 2 percent of them are in information and communication technology industry,” he said. Of these, about 5 % are active in the related sectors related to artificial intelligence and advanced technologies. If we are able to guide these skills deliberately and based on industry needs, we can create a forward movement in the artificial intelligence industry. One of the challenges of companies based in this field is the backwardness of financial support, which is provided in various services.

“The model we recommend is to create a smart impulse,” the tailors said. Large knowledge companies can exploit the chain of small knowledge companies. This collaboration can be done in various ways, including services, product procurement, civil partnership or other type of partnership or technical transfer from overseas. For example, one of the steel companies implements the smart project. In this project, a small company operates as an intermediary and is a contract partner at Steel Company. The company changes the technology needed to carry out a smart project in the steel industry.

“Tax tools are used to finance these projects,” he said. For example, the tax -boring steel company allocates a portion of its line to the project. In this particular case, the project costs about 5 million. These methods are recommended as shortcut solutions for industrial intelligence. This approach is part of the Innovation Environmental Organization, in which large corporations cooperate with companies like the CBC and create innovation centers. These centers can provide a variety of guarantees and facilities for projects around the country.

“Knowledge -based companies can say that at this time the big companies are in the center of attention, but if their contracts and products are properly implemented, these tools are very useful,” the head of the Innovation Fund said. Using various financial equipment, we can improve intelligent motivation and develop artificial intelligence in the country. We hope that friends will present their views and suggestions to end this problem, so that we can work together to achieve these goals.


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